Shocking Expose From The Lib Media


Junior Member
How the Hezbos work and live and lie.

They hide amoung the civilians
>Inside a well-furnished apartment in a village on the outskirts of Tyre, with shelves of books piled from floor to ceiling, a black turbaned cleric and three men sit sipping bitter coffee. By the door is a pile of Kalashnikovs and ammunition boxes; handguns are tucked into the men's trousers. The four are Hizbullah fighters, waiting for the Israelis.

What was that about false arrest?
>He started fighting them at the age of 17 when they invaded Lebanon in 1982. Three years later he was arrested with two of his comrades and spent a few months in an Israeli prison. Within weeks of his release he was fighting them again.That's what he did for the next six years

NO,nothing to do with Iran.
>For the last five years he has been finishing his theology studies in Tehran. A month ago, he was asked by Hizbullah to return to southern Lebanon. He arrived a week before the fighting began

They are a state within a state?
>According to Ali, Hizbullah operates as "a state within the state", with its own hospitals, social organisations and social security system

Get them while they are young.
>We raise our fighters. We take them when they are young kids and raise them to become Hizbullah fighters. Every fighter we have believes that the ultimate form of being is martyrdom."

So a ceasefire with these guys?
>He says that even if the international community calls on Hizbullah to disarm as part of a peace deal, he and his men will not lay down their arms. "This war is episode two in disarming Hizbullah. First they tried to do it through the Lebanese government and the UN. When they failed, the Americans asked the Israelis to do the job."

>And even when the battle with the Israelis is over, he adds menacingly, Hizbullah will have other battles to fight. "The real battle is after the end of this war. We will have to settle score with the Lebanese politicians. We also have the best security and intelligence apparatus in this country, and we can reach any of those people who are speaking against us now. Let's finish with the Israelis and then we will settle scores later.",,1832931,00.html
I conclude that Hizbo is a terrorist organization that is totally supported by Iran. That they hide and pretend to be civilians, that they murder indescrimately, that they will not ever stop and will not abide to any peace process.
toby2 said:
I conclude that Hizbo is a terrorist organization that is totally supported by Iran. That they hide and pretend to be civilians, that they murder indescrimately, that they will not ever stop and will not abide to any peace process.
Interesting indeed. By my count, Iran was mentioned only 4 times -- 5 if you count the mention of Tehran -- in the article and most of those were in reference to the ongoing schism between Sunni and Shi'ite muslims.

I think you're drawing conclusions that the article itself doesn't support.
Exactly Ornot, Iran is mentioned everytime hizbo is mentioned. And you don't think there is a connection? Even when the admit it and say they recieve funding from Iran? They admit it and yet you can't believe it? LOL
From the terrorist own mouth>>He and his fellow fighters have been preparing for the latest conflict with the Israelis for years and he acknowledges the support received from Iran
toby2 said:
From the terrorist own mouth>>He and his fellow fighters have been preparing for the latest conflict with the Israelis for years and he acknowledges the support received from Iran

And this surprises who, exactly?

As was mentioned yesterday, only a monumentally ill-informed fool would not expect the Lebanese -- especially the Lebanese Shi'ites -- to hate the Israelis. They have good reason to hate the Israelis. The Israelis may have good reason to hate them, as well, but that fact doesn't invalidate the initial observation.
Not hardly Ornot, Hizbo's total goal is to eliminate Israel, It is not the other way around.