Shocking things Liberals believe

Let's see... (this is the image from the OP)


People working 40 hours a week should not live in poverty.
How many hours a week is low enough that they should live in poverty?

CEO's should not receive 3000 times the pay of their workers
How much more do you think they deserve?

Wall Street gangsters should go to prison when they steal
Name a few of these guys for us.

No one, especially veterans, should be homeless.
Even persons who want to be homeless by choice? Who should pay for their homes?

There should not be subsidies for profitable corporations
I agree! We should let the solar and wind industries fail along with battery cars, and many other corporations that make things the Left likes...

Equal rights and equal pay should be the benchmark for all Americans
Even if there's unequal time in service at a job, or a gross differential between two worker's value to the company...?

Politicians should not dictate medical decisions to women
Should they dictate them to men? Should women be forced to get a COVID vaccine?

Lobbyists should not be allowed to bribe our representatives
Who should be allowed in your opinion? Unions? Corporations? The Rich?

Companies should not be permitted to trash the earth (sic) for profit
Define "trash." Should mining be allowed, or is that trashing the Earth, for example?

Healthcare should be given to all, not be a luxury for rich people
Really? Who exactly is being denied healthcare?

Everyone should have access to higher education
Even those incapable of doing the necessary classwork?

These are a typical bunch of vacuous platitudes and slogans that are really just idiocies. They don't work when you actually have to try and apply them to reality. Most are based on the politics of envy.

If that's what liberals believe you'd be better of not being one...
Let's see... (this is the image from the OP)


People working 40 hours a week should not live in poverty.
How many hours a week is low enough that they should live in poverty?

CEO's should not receive 3000 times the pay of their workers
How much more do you think they deserve?

Wall Street gangsters should go to prison when they steal
Name a few of these guys for us.

No one, especially veterans, should be homeless.
Even persons who want to be homeless by choice? Who should pay for their homes?

There should not be subsidies for profitable corporations
I agree! We should let the solar and wind industries fail along with battery cars, and many other corporations that make things the Left likes...

Equal rights and equal pay should be the benchmark for all Americans
Even if there's unequal time in service at a job, or a gross differential between two worker's value to the company...?

Politicians should not dictate medical decisions to women
Should they dictate them to men? Should women be forced to get a COVID vaccine?

Lobbyists should not be allowed to bribe our representatives
Who should be allowed in your opinion? Unions? Corporations? The Rich?

Companies should not be permitted to trash the earth (sic) for profit
Define "trash." Should mining be allowed, or is that trashing the Earth, for example?

Healthcare should be given to all, not be a luxury for rich people
Really? Who exactly is being denied healthcare?

Everyone should have access to higher education
Even those incapable of doing the necessary classwork?

These are a typical bunch of vacuous platitudes and slogans that are really just idiocies. They don't work when you actually have to try and apply them to reality. Most are based on the politics of envy.

If that's what liberals believe you'd be better of not being one...

You did badly there.
40 hours was designated.
The bankers who destroyed the world economy in 2008 got their bonuses and did not go to jail. I could go on but you are so wrong and misunderstand it all. I see why you are a righty.
You did badly there.
40 hours was designated.
The bankers who destroyed the world economy in 2008 got their bonuses and did not go to jail. I could go on but you are so wrong and misunderstand it all. I see why you are a righty.

Beat me to it. Thanks. I will use these extra electrons you saved for good, not evil.
You did badly there.
40 hours was designated.
The bankers who destroyed the world economy in 2008 got their bonuses and did not go to jail. I could go on but you are so wrong and misunderstand it all. I see why you are a righty.

Fine. Why should someone who works just 40 hours a week not live in poverty? What about someone who's job is so mundane cost ineffective their pay puts them in poverty? Should someone be paid more than what the work they produce is worth? Aside from that, my question is still valid and stands. What's the minimum number of hours someone should work and not be "in poverty?" Put another way, Should people working 20 hours a week live in poverty? What about 10 hours?

As for "bankers," that's not Wall Street. Wall Street is stocks and bonds. Aside from that, name names don't use some vague claim.
Fine. Why should someone who works just 40 hours a week not live in poverty? What about someone who's job is so mundane cost ineffective their pay puts them in poverty? Should someone be paid more than what the work they produce is worth?

As for "bankers," that's not Wall Street. Wall Street is stocks and bonds. Aside from that, name names don't use some vague claim.

Wall Street is financial banks. Like Morgan Stanley or CitiBank.
Shocking things Liberals believe

unborn children should be killed at will......borders should be people should pay everyone's bills........we don't need policemen......parents should have no say in what lib'ruls teach their should not have a should not use gasoline......or coal.....or natural gas........
This liberals believes that capitalism is only as good as producing goods and services for people in a country. Wealth as an end in itself is nihilistic and purposeless.

The two infrastructure bills will actually help the upper class, but mostly the middle class.