Shoot Werewolves & Swindlers With Silver Bullets


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Silver Futures Soar 8%, Rise Above $29 As Reddit Hordes Pile In
by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Jan 31, 2021 - 10:29

Heaven help the suckers. Silver swindlers are pulling out all stops to unload as much silver at the highest price they can get before the bottom drops out:

Removing silver from coins further devalued money after the treasury stopped issuing silver certificates.

Those two policies give cryptocurrencies the appearance of real money. How many people do you know who believe they can turn in their paper currency for silver coins?

In the same vein have you noticed how hard they are pushing silver as an investment? There must be a big bunch of suckers in the world to attract so many sharpshooters trying to unload as much silver as they can at the highest price before the silver bubble breaks. Allow me to explain my analysis.

Photography once used the most silver by far. (That is why Hollywood called it the Silver Screen.) When electronic imaging replaces silver nitrate negatives there will be an over-abundance of silver available for coinage, jewelry, objets d’art, doorknobs, toilet seats, and everything else under the sun.

Silver is reclaimed from medical x-rays worldwide. Silver is reclaimed from all of its various commercial applications; copper wire, coins, jewelry, silver plate, dentistry, and so on. Scientists inventing more ways to produce images without using silver nitrate is a bubble on the verge of bursting. People now take pictures with cell phones then print copies of the pictures on their computers; so it is only a matter of time before silver nitrate imaging becomes a thing of the past.

In addition to electronic imagining copper/silver wire is being replaced by fiber optics in transmission lines.

There is a tiny percentage of silver in every copper wire (not more than 3 percent). Cell phones are already reducing the need for telephone lines in new homes. Every transmission line, every extension cord, every copper wire in every building contains silver. Think about the total tonnage after all of that silver is reclaimed along with the copper. And that is without counting all of the silver still in the ground.

Without photography there will be so much silver in the world my guess is that in the very near future the price of silver will drop so low governments will return to minting silver coins in order to stabilize the market.