Short Title: H.R. 204


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NOTE: The American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1146) was first introduced in 1997. The short title was changed many times. It was reintroduced as H.R. 204 in the 116th Congress (2019-2020).

The ASRA will never get to the floor for a vote so long as traitors in both parties —— along with media mouths —— protect and defend the United Nations. On the plus side withdrawing from the U.N. is gaining ground. I know I am right because I have been reporting on message boards for 19 years. In the first few years stumbling on any criticism was a rare find. Today, you can find opposition to U.N. membership on the social media. I am not talking about a tidal wave of opposition, but there is definitely a recognizable groundswell. A majority of Americans finally accepting one fact will become the tidal wave I pray for —— the U.N. is responsible all this country’s destructive policies; most especially immigration policies here and in Europe.

Finally, I learned a few names from Ray DiLorenzo to include in future messages calling for the U.S. to get out of the U.N. Please read the article if you are not sure about the things the United Nations stands for.

How many of these 10 points (Listed Below) have already been achieved?

Like any other organization, the United Nations developed a credo, a way of thinking and a desire to do what most organizations aspire to - get bigger and more powerful.

One of the early thinkers that affected the UN’s development was Alice Bailey. Alice Ann Bailey was a writer of more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects (a sort of combination of theology and philosophy), and was one of the first writers to use the term ‘New Age’. She was a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist, Madame Helena Blavatsky.

Bailey was born as Alice La Trobe-Bateman, in Manchester, England to a Christian family in 1880. She was a very unhappy child and attempted suicide three times before she was fifteen. As a young adult, Alice did evangelical work in connection with the YMCA and the British Army. She moved to the United States in 1907, where she spent most of her life as a writer and teacher.

Ms. Bailey seems to have been a woman greatly disappointed by Christianity. She lived through both World Wars and was traumatized by its effects. She suffered what so many Christian antagonists suffer from…if there is a God, why is the world so filled with evil? Bailey became anti-Christian as well as anti-Semitic. Ms. Bailey sought a ‘New Age’ which required a ‘New World Order’. In essence, if God isn’t going to create a Heaven on Earth, mankind is going to have to do it. One of her books, ‘Education for a New Age’, suggests that, “World citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain.” In other words, a one world government. In the process, she dived into the occult full on. You could say that Alice was a Luciferian…one who believes that Lucifer is the true deity. The United Nations has adopted much of her New Age teachings.

Alice started a publishing house in 1922 to disseminate her books and the Theosophical Society, called Lucifer’s Trust. It was later changed to Lucis Trust to hide the true nature of her movement and be more palatable. Alice and her husband, Foster Bailey, also started the Arcane Esoteric School (of the occult) in 1923. Many of the New Age books today are published by Lucis Trust. At one time, the Lucis Trust office was located in New York at 666 United Nations Plaza. They are now located at 866 United Nations Plaza. The Arcane School headquarters is also in New York.

Now try to stay with me….“Lucis Trust promulgates the work of an ‘Ascended Master’ who was working ‘through’ Alice Bailey for some 30 years [a turban- wearing and European clothed gentleman that appeared to her at age fifteen]. The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship an ‘Externalized Hierarchy’ of ‘Ascended Masters,’ who carry out the work of a Luciferian master plan for the establishment of a permanent ‘Age of Aquarius’ ruled by one Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.’” Got it?

Lucis Trust is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a program called World Goodwill. Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys ‘Consultative Status’ with the United Nations, which permits it to have a close working relationship with the UN, including a seat on the weekly sessions, but most importantly, influence with powerful business and national leaders throughout the world.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s son-in-law, Curtis Dall in his book, My Exploited Father- in-Law? wrote:

“For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations, One World Money Group…Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared “ammunition” in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support. The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus nearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money [money lent by a bank that is repayable on demand] in the New York money market…The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.”

See this video

Curtis Dall was criticized for his belief that sinister forces manipulated his father-in-law in the service of the Godless Dictatorship of a One-World-Super-State. But, who can deny today that there is a globalist movement underway or that the 10 Points of Alice Bailey have already been achieved?

Needless to say, Lucis Trust is working hard with the United Nations towards promoting a globalist ideology. Besides the United Nations, the Lucis Trust also sponsors other organizations like Greenpeace International, Greenpeace USA, Amnesty International, and UNICEF.

Ms. Bailey wanted a New World Order and a One World Religion and she had a strategy. The most important aspect of New Age teaching is the targeting of children. Alice Bailey said when you are changing a nation, don’t bother with the old people, they are too stuck in the old traditions, they will not change, but GO FOR THE CHILDREN and the Church. That is what she did and what the Lucis Trust is currently doing.

“Whatever CHANGE you succeed in implementing, get the church to endorse it. Get the church to officially cede ground.” – Alice Bailey.


From World Net Daily (1/02/2018): Religious leaders in Israel are concerned that the United Nations is promoting idolatry after word was released that the organization is helping fund a reproduction of a third pagan god – the goddess of ‘extra-marital relations.’ First, the global body was part of the funding of the re-creation of the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the Temple of Baal. Then it was the re-creation of a statue of the goddess Athena that once stood in Palmyra.

No logical mind would deny that what was Alice Bailey’s 10-point strategy has now been adopted by the United Nations and the political (the Deep State), the media, and the social Left of much of the Western World. As many churches and popular TV ministers have already ceded, they now carefully hide their New Age paganism with Christian Theology.

I display and offer these 10 Points as further proof of the existence and implementation of these contemptible principles that have swept across these United States and much of the Western World. They have already convinced much of the free world that WE are the problem. If they can take down America, the rest of the world will follow.

The Real United Nations
By Ray DiLorenzo
January 19, 2019
I did not need Niccolò Machiavelli to tell me that a race hustler is going to run as another spiritual leader à la the Chicago sewer rat:

"The thing about Dr. King that always inspires me is that he was aspirational. He was aspirational like our country is aspirational. We know that we've not yet reached those ideals. But our strength is that we fight to reach those ideals," the senator said. "So today, the day we celebrate Dr. King, is a very special day for all of us as Americans and I'm honored to be able to make my announcement on the day we commemorate him."

Sen. Kamala Harris announces she will run for president in 2020
By Adam Kelsey
Jan 21, 2019, 9:49 AM ET

I cannot predict which Democrat will get the nomination. More are saddling up since I posted this:

I can predict that not one Democrat will be asked if he or she supports U.S. membership in the United Nations.

Parenthetically, when then-Congressman Ron Paul ran for the presidency he never took advantage of the bill he authored:

NOTE: The American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1146) was first introduced in 1997. The short title was changed many times. It was reintroduced as H.R. 204 in the 116th Congress (2019-2020).

Had Ron Paul talked about a surefire vote-getter he would have done a lot better than did Mitt “KennedyCare” Romney who got the nomination in 2012:

Two-time presidential wannabe, Mike Huckabee, came out against the United Nations ON TELEVISION. He remains the only presidential wannabe who ever said he would get the U.S. out of the United Nations. That includes all of the candidates in both parties in every federal election after the U.N. opened for business in 1945. Huckabee might not have won the nomination, but he would have been in the hunt a lot longer.

Huckabee, like Ron Paul, never pressed his advantage over his U.N.-loving Republican opponents:

To be fair, no candidate who puts the knock on the United Nations can survive the heat they will get from the media. Attacking the United Nations on television is the biggest media NO-NO in politics.
"So today, the day we celebrate Dr. King, is a very special day for all of us as Americans and I'm honored to be able to make my announcement on the day we commemorate him."

Not all. I can say it best by borrowing this Goldwynism:


Time Magazine managing editor Nancy Gibbs defended Time Magazine’s White House correspondent Zeke Miller Tuesday, pushing back against claims from Trump administration officials that an incorrect detail in Millers’ pool report Friday was done so deliberately.

At issue was a Friday pool report in which Miller had noted — incorrectly — that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office. (Miller later said he looked for the bust but did not see when he was there because it was “obscured by a door and an agent.”) The report was corrected within the hour and Miller issued several apologies, but in the days since the erroneous report, White House press secretary Sean Spicer, counselor Kellyanne Conway and President Trump have all used the example to suggest that the press has intentionally reported falsehoods about the new administration.

Time Magazine stands by reporter who incorrectly reported on MLK bust
01/24/2017 04:14 PM EST

A small bust of MLK in the oval office is trivial compared to that disgrace on the National Mall:

Just so I am not misunderstood. Instead of removing a “contentious phrase” from the Martin Luther King Memorial remove the whole damned thing. Leaving it there brings the country one step closer to combining religion and government. That, in itself, is a violation of the First Amendment. Do not expect members of Congress to remove it. They are all philosophically closer to theocratic government than they will ever be to the American people.


WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!

The MLK Memorial is a national disgrace as is the federal holiday honoring King’s birth. Congress gave the country that one, too. Ronald Reagan opposed it but signed it in the face of a veto-proof majority in Congress. The problem then, and now, is that King was a street hustling preacher not much different than the rest of them except that he made the big time.

It is no wonder that Obama looks up to King. Preacher Obama got to be president using some of King’s methods. Happily, few Americans bought his pathetic moralizing the way so many were fooled by King. Had King lived, I am sure he never would have been able to sustain the image he cultivated. Throughout America’s history many Americans had no use for bible-thumping preachers, yet for some unknown reason the King spin machine got away with selling MLK as being different than bible-thumping race hustlers like Father Divine, Aimee Semple McPherson, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright.

The trouble with King is that he was a Christian preacher.

Socialists/Communists and limousine liberals hate Christians; so why do they piss in their pants at the mention of King’s name? Some actually have an organism whenever they hear the phrase “I have a dream.” Could it be racism? Put it in perspective this way:

Imagine how the Left would react if a holiday was named after Billy Graham or foreign-born Mother Cabrini; two Christians who did a lot more for this country than King ever did.

Bottom line: Nobody, black or white, when moralizing is their only claim to fame should be honored with tax dollar expenditures. If King’s admirers in the private sector want to worship him let them do so out of their own pockets —— AND NOT ON PUBLIC LAND.

And where was the ACLU when King’s Memorial was put on the National Mall? Liberals, usually led by the ACLU, scream bloody murder every time they find a Christian symbol in a government building, or on public land. King’s monument is the latter; so where is the Left’s outrage?

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on the National Mall should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, only presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like the Chicago sewer rat’s campaign rhetoric.

Nine out of ten stories about MLK refer to him as one of America’s greatest leaders. MLK was not a national leader by any stretch of the imagination. Leader implies he led the nation. He might have been a spiritual leader to some, but he was still an opportunistic street hustling preacher to a substantial number of Americans. I suppose that will be forgotten in the fullness of time.

No preacher, or spiritual leader if you prefer, belongs on the National Mall because not a one of them leads everybody. Hell, King did not lead anywhere near a majority of Americans.

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Hypocrisy reigned supreme

Obama slobbered all over MLK’s memorial, but he objected to a prayer at the WWII Memorial —— a prayer by FDR no less!

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial
By Todd Starnes
November 4, 2011
Last Update December 23, 2015

I guess sewer rats only respects race hustlers like MLK and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright.

Note one race hustling preacher honored another:

Obama to mark 50th anniversary of MLK's 'dream' speech
AFP 8/7/2013 10:08:11 PM

Let me close by saying “I, too, have a dream.” Call in the Army Corps of Engineers and dynamite that memorial out of existence.
Two-time presidential wannabe, Mike Huckabee, came out against the United Nations ON TELEVISION. He remains the only presidential wannabe who ever said he would get the U.S. out of the United Nations.

Nobody in print or on television tied the United Nations to the shutdown. I was hoping that Mike Huckabee would tie Nutso Nancy to amnesty; i.e. the United Nations. Sadly, he did not:

Take this one to the bank. The wall is not about illegal aliens. It is about U.N. refugees. Nutso is fighting tooth and nail to secure the U.N.’s grip on no borders. She fears that refugees will go down the tubes alongside illegal aliens if President Trump turns on the United Nations.

Donald J. Trump

No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!

8:23 AM - Jan 20, 2019

Exactly what does Trump mean by “. . . a much bigger deal . . . )? It sounds like he already laid the foundation for a deal with Nutso.

QUESTION: Does Trump see amnesty and U.N. refugees as separate policies? Only Trump can answer the question. I do know that open-borders for United Nations economic refugee keeps the border open for illegal aliens.

Believe this if you believe nothing else. Democrat presidents get their orders from the United Nations. Every president regardless of party ——including Trump —— must get permission from the United Nations crowd in order to implement a policy; most especially policy decisions affecting open-borders. No permission. No policy.
QUESTION: Does Trump see amnesty and U.N. refugees as separate policies? Only Trump can answer the question. I do know that open-borders for United Nations economic refugee keeps the border open for illegal aliens.

This is a delaying-tactic scam so long as the United Nations has a grip on this country’s immigration policies:

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Trump administration on Friday will start forcing some asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases wind through U.S. courts, an official said, launching what could become one of the more significant changes to the immigration system in years.

Official: Asylum seekers to wait in Mexico starting Friday

Worse still, no federal court will ever rule against the United Nations.

Incidentally, every network is slanting their reports to keep the borders open. Move the cursor to 28:20 and listen to Andrew Napolitano ignore eminent domain:

Bottom line: The federal government can take private property so long as they pay fair market prices. The State of Connecticut did it to enrich private developers in Kelo v. New London. The federal government did the same thing in Port Chicago, California in the 1960s. President Trump invoking eminent domain is more than justified doing it for national security.
Believe this if you believe nothing else. Democrat presidents get their orders from the United Nations. Every president regardless of party ——including Trump —— must get permission from the United Nations crowd in order to implement a policy; most especially policy decisions affecting open-borders. No permission. No policy.

Media mouths are as happy as pigs in slop. They finally sold the end-the-shutdown-bullshit. Government parasites will be paid for the next three weeks. Three weeks from now President Trump will sign a bill that gives the United Nations everything it wants.

It took all of listening to Upchuck for 15 seconds, and 5 seconds of Nutso, to see they were talking about those wonderful, loyal, ‘Americans’ returning to work instead of being paid for not working. Those two lying scum bags always make it sound like the American people agree with them. This is what private sector Americans thought about the shutdown from day one:


This is the correct link from number 7 permalink:

It took all of listening to Upchuck for 15 seconds, and 5 seconds of Nutso, to see they were talking about those wonderful, loyal, ‘Americans’ returning to work instead of being paid for not working. Those two lying scum bags always make it sound like the American people agree with them. This is what private sector Americans thought about the shutdown from day one:
Move the cursor to 28:20 and listen to Andrew Napolitano ignore eminent domain:

I distrust Democrat Senator Michael Bennet’s motive for citing eminent domain in a pissing match with Senator Cruz:

If you spent any time on social media yesterday, there’s a good chance you saw that viral video of Colorado senator Michael Bennet laying into Ted Cruz on the floor of the U.S. Senate for failing to protect South Texans from President Trump’s desire to build a wall on their land. Cruz had just made the argument that the Senate should give Trump $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall so the government shutdown could be lifted and Coast Guard employees could get paid. (Earlier today, the shutdown ended, at least temporarily, minus the $5.7 billion appropriation.) Bennet, with unusual fervor for a Senate debate, denounced the Texas senator’s “crocodile tears,” recalling that back in 2013 Cruz himself led a government shutdown that had catastrophic consequences for Colorado when it was inundated with floods. And then he laid into Cruz on the matter of eminent domain. Bennet would never encourage the federal government to take his constituents’ land, he said. Why was Cruz doing so?

Why Aren’t Texas Politicians Standing Up for Texas Landowners?
ByChristopher Hooks
Date Jan 25, 2019

President Trump invoking eminent domain for national security is one of a very few authentic purposes for taking private property. In any event taking relatively worthless narrow strips of land along the border can hardly be compared to the government confiscating valuable land for profit as it did in Port Chicago and elsewhere.

Parenthetically, Trump could build a mile high wall from sea to sea if television gave him every tax deductible advertising they raked in talking about the shutdown. (All of that talk fills up air time between product commercials.)

As a bonus, media mouths talking government bullshit makes them look better than talking about natural disasters, plane crashes, mass shootings, and the culture of death in general.

p.s. Television made a fortune on missing flight MH370. The families of the missing passengers were the only people in the world that cared about it, yet media mouths filled up countless commercial hours every day for 7 or 8 weeks. Media ghouls even ran one hour specials talking about:

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Now you know the answer:

The FBI document says: 'When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcefully raped her' as King watched.

He is alleged to have 'looked on, laugh and offered advice' during the encounter.

The MLK tapes: Secret FBI recordings accuse Martin Luther King Jr of watching and laughing as a pastor raped a woman, having 40 extramarital affairs - and they are under lock in a U.S. archive, claims author
By Jack Newman For Mailonline
Published: 04:39 EDT, 26 May 2019 | Updated: 09:20 EDT, 26 May 2019

Maybe the truth about a filthy human being will be enough to have his monument removed from the National Mall:

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on the National Mall should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, only presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like the Chicago sewer rat’s campaign rhetoric.
Maybe the truth about a filthy human being will be enough to have his monument removed from the National Mall.

A monument to a black racist on the National Mall that relatively few will ever see is bad enough, but putting political activists on our currency in order to appease a minute percentage of big mouths is a disgrace:


Trump is not slow-walking the bill. The bill was always intended to take 10 years to design and introduce. It was part of how it was announced.

Note this article from Money magazine from April 21, 2016 (you know before the election of Trump, the antichrist of the left?):

The problem is the slow pace at which the U.S. government typically moves to adopt change, according to Wired. In a letter posted on Medium, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said the Bureau of Engraving and Printing will unveil new looks for the $5, $10 and $20 bills in 2020 in honor of the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage.

The new bills won’t go into circulation then, however; they’ll merely be shown to the public. It could take many more years to pass before the average American has a wallet full of Harriet Tubman $20s.

The hold-up is in part due to security concerns: The blue anti-counterfeit strip on the $100 bill took 15 years to develop. The Treasury is also committed to making the new bills more accessible for the visually impaired, meaning that they may have to develop new texture details. In true vague government fashion, a Treasury spokesperson said it’s impossible to predict when the new bills will be ready.

Tubman is not the only feminist who will appear on the redesigned bills. Revamped versions of the $10 bill will feature women’s rights activists Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Alice Paul, while new $5 bills will honor Marian Anderson and Eleanor Roosevelt. In all cases, it’s expected that these bills will be presented to the public in 2020, but it’s unclear when, exactly, they’ll be available to the public.

No, President Trump Is NOT Delaying the Harriet Tubman $20 Bill
By Sarah Hoyt May 24, 2019

I thought a new double-sawbuck was a dead issue:

Last year, another two-term president, Barack Obama, approved a change that would delete Old Hickory’s visage from the front and substituted it with Harriet Tubman’s face. (See above.) The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says it has received no instructions yet to implement the changes, which candidate Donald Trump criticized as “pure political correctness.”

Looks like Andrew Jackson will stay on the $20 bill
Andrew MalcolmPosted at 6:51 pm on September 1, 2017


Parenthetically, Americans hate losers. So before Andrew Jackson goes to the back of the $20 bill it is only fair that Aaron Burr get the spot on the other side of Tubman. After all, Burr did win the argument!


Nothing would aggravate Democrats more then seeing Burr’s face every time they whip out a double-sawbuck.
Last year, another two-term president, Barack Obama, approved a change that would delete Old Hickory’s visage from the front and substituted it with Harriet Tubman’s face. (See above.) The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says it has received no instructions yet to implement the changes, which candidate Donald Trump criticized as “pure political correctness.”

Looks like Andrew Jackson will stay on the $20 bill
Andrew MalcolmPosted at 6:51 pm on September 1, 2017

Wacko Williamson is reason enough to let President Jackson remain where he is:

Marianne Williamson is easily the most entertaining candidate the Democrats have belched up this go-round, so let us gather to celebrate her campaign before it likely craps out on Wednesday and she gets disqualified from the third debate because she couldn’t even scratch together a measly 2% support in each of four prominent polls.

But Miss Marianne’s little flame flickered as brightly as it could for one brief and hilarious moment on the national stage, and despite the fact that even enough Democrats are sane enough never to vote for her, it cannot be denied that no one ever went further in politics by saying less than Marianne Williamson says.

Her 66-year-old head in the clouds, Williamson announced before a “Native American voting rights organization” in Sioux City, IA last week that when she becomes the nation’s first hippie Jewish woman president, her first act in office will be to remove—perhaps with a lot of psychic screaming involved—a painting of Andrew Jackson that Donald Trump had moved to the Oval Office when he entered the White House.

Addressing the crowd of sue-happy Sioux, Williamson addressed Jackson’s involvement in the Trail of Tears, which, as luck would have it—at least for the Sioux, that is—didn’t involve any Sioux:

I want people of the United States to come to understand that what occurred on this planet was one of the great evils of history, but that I believe in redemption for nations as well for individuals. We can atone. We can make amends. And if and when I’m president of the United States, we will. We will begin by taking that picture of Andrew Jackson off the wall of the Oval Office, I assure you….I am not a Native American woman, but I find it one of the greatest insults. You will not be insulted. You will be more than not insulted. If I am President of the United States, there will be a level of atonement, there will be a level of making amends.

Whoa, there’s a whole semi truck to unpack there.

“No one ever went further in politics by saying less than Marianne Williamson says.”

She’s not a Native American woman—in fact, her paternal grandfather chose “Williamson” to replace “Vishnevetsky” as his surname after reportedly seeing a sign that said “Alan Williamson Ltd” on a train, so it’s fair to say she’s not American in any sense of the term, at least not in the Cherokee sense or the Andrew Jacksonian sense—but she feels insulted on behalf of the Cherokee Americans and feels ashamed on behalf of the Jacksonian Americans. She believes in good…and she believes in evil as well, but she refuses to flinch in the face of it. She is dedicated—and she wants you to know this—to fighting evil on behalf of good. Even though her teardrop-shaped crystal heart beats without a drop of Cherokee blood in it, she promises her Native American brethren and sistren that when she becomes president, they “will be more than not insulted.”

Forgive me for getting all semantic here, but that means they will be insulted.

What do we know about Marianne Williamson, and why on Earth—if she truly considers this planet to be her home—does she think she’d make a better president than Andrew Jackson?

Well, like I said, her paternal grandpappy’s surname was “Vishnevetsky” and her mother’s was “Kaplan,” so don’t go lettin’ the “Williamson” throw you off the trail.

She was born into cushy circumstances in Texas and then drifted around the country in a journey of self-discovery in which she discovered that she really likes discovering herself and probably couldn’t stop it even if she tried. She once lived in a geodesic dome in New Mexico with a boyfriend for a little while. In her formative years, “some huge rock of self-loathing [was] sitting like a pit in the middle of my stomach,” she kvetches.

At yet another intensely self-reflective juncture in her life, she found herself “mired in a series of unhappy love affairs, alcohol and drug abuse, a nervous breakdown, and endless sessions with therapists.” In what may be a very weird way of working out her private issues in public, she wants white people to keep apologizing for slavery and supports up to a half-trillion dollars in reparations to be paid out to our nation’s spiritually wounded blacks.

After having a remarkable epiphany in her youth that forced her to realize “that people are the same everywhere,” she made it her mission to “create a beloved community” and fight the “dark psychic forces,” and yes, millions of people actually listen to this crap and find it profound and burst into tears as it shines a light within their dark, damp souls and shows them that with love, and only with love, can true miracles come from within—or something.

Oh, and she says things like this before wondering aloud why people don’t take her seriously:

Imagine the AIDS virus as Darth Vader, and then unzip his suit to allow an angel to emerge.

Sickness is an illusion and does not actually exist.

Cancer and AIDS and other serious illnesses are physical manifestations of a psychic scream.

If a person behaves unlovingly, then that means that, regardless of their negativity—anger or whatever—their behavior was derived from fear and doesn’t actually exist. They’re hallucinating. You forgive them, then, because there’s nothing to forgive.

I’m going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field, and sir, love will win.

Marianne Williamson—call her the “Love Harness.”

In contrast to the eternally frail and delicate Williamson, Andrew Jackson appears to have been forged entirely from granite and iron. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was 14, yet he fought and battled and dueled his way to two consecutive terms as the nation’s first president who won elections by posturing as a man of the people against a corrupt establishment. His initial inauguration party notoriously allowed unkempt common revelers to trash the White House.

His own soldiers—whom he led to a stunning victory against the British in New Orleans even though they were outnumbered 2-1—dubbed him “Old Hickory.” The Creek Indians—one of many tribes he subdued—called him Jacksa Chula Harjo or “Jackson, old and fierce.” Not only did he survive the first-ever presidential assassination attempt—he started beating his attacker with a cane until others restrained the shooter.

Jackson spent most of his adult life with two bullets lodged in his body, which frequently had him coughing up blood. On the last day of an eight-year presidency, he said his only two regrets were that he “had been unable to shoot Henry Clay or to hang John C. Calhoun.” (He also once called Clay as “reckless and as full of fury as a drunken man in a brothel.”)

He successfully battled Indian tribes—who, lest it be forgotten, routinely attacked and murdered white settlers with extreme prejudice—and in the process snatched up much of what is the land of the modern American South. And in the “Trail of Tears”—what Marianne Williamson calls one of “the great evils of history”—an estimated 4,000 Injuns died. Looking at it from another angle, that’s about how many modern Native Americans drink themselves to death every four years.

And the Indian Removal Act of 1830 that Jackson signed did not require any Indians to move—they could stay put and simply acknowledge they were living under a new legal system, or they could relocate to new land west of the Mississippi. According to several analysts, relocation is what saved the so-called “Five Civilized Tribes” from being wiped out—unlike Southern tribes such as the Yamasee, Mahican, and Narragansett, who stayed put and went extinct as a result.

In short, Jackson was about expansion and strength, whereas Williamson is about submission and apology. He seems like he would have been fun (if ruthless), while she seems miserable (and ruthless anyway).

I’ll take Old Hickory over the new quackery, thanks.

Old Hickory v. New Quackery
by Jim Goad
August 26, 2019
Race hustler day is here again:

Is the Stock Market Open Today? Here Are the Hours for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
By Connor Smith
Jan. 20, 2020 5:00 am ET

Not all. I can say it best by borrowing this Goldwynism:


Time Magazine managing editor Nancy Gibbs defended Time Magazine’s White House correspondent Zeke Miller Tuesday, pushing back against claims from Trump administration officials that an incorrect detail in Millers’ pool report Friday was done so deliberately.

At issue was a Friday pool report in which Miller had noted — incorrectly — that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office. (Miller later said he looked for the bust but did not see when he was there because it was “obscured by a door and an agent.”) The report was corrected within the hour and Miller issued several apologies, but in the days since the erroneous report, White House press secretary Sean Spicer, counselor Kellyanne Conway and President Trump have all used the example to suggest that the press has intentionally reported falsehoods about the new administration.

Time Magazine stands by reporter who incorrectly reported on MLK bust
01/24/2017 04:14 PM EST

A small bust of MLK in the oval office is trivial compared to that disgrace on the National Mall:

Just so I am not misunderstood. Instead of removing a “contentious phrase” from the Martin Luther King Memorial remove the whole damned thing. Leaving it there brings the country one step closer to combining religion and government. That, in itself, is a violation of the First Amendment. Do not expect members of Congress to remove it. They are all philosophically closer to theocratic government than they will ever be to the American people.


WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!

The MLK Memorial is a national disgrace as is the federal holiday honoring King’s birth. Congress gave the country that one, too. Ronald Reagan opposed it but signed it in the face of a veto-proof majority in Congress. The problem then, and now, is that King was a street hustling preacher not much different than the rest of them except that he made the big time.

It is no wonder that Obama looks up to King. Preacher Obama got to be president using some of King’s methods. Happily, few Americans bought his pathetic moralizing the way so many were fooled by King. Had King lived, I am sure he never would have been able to sustain the image he cultivated. Throughout America’s history many Americans had no use for bible-thumping preachers, yet for some unknown reason the King spin machine got away with selling MLK as being different than bible-thumping race hustlers like Father Divine, Aimee Semple McPherson, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright.

The trouble with King is that he was a Christian preacher.

Socialists/Communists and limousine liberals hate Christians; so why do they piss in their pants at the mention of King’s name? Some actually have an organism whenever they hear the phrase “I have a dream.” Could it be racism? Put it in perspective this way:

Imagine how the Left would react if a holiday was named after Billy Graham or foreign-born Mother Cabrini; two Christians who did a lot more for this country than King ever did.

Bottom line: Nobody, black or white, when moralizing is their only claim to fame should be honored with tax dollar expenditures. If King’s admirers in the private sector want to worship him let them do so out of their own pockets —— AND NOT ON PUBLIC LAND.

And where was the ACLU when King’s Memorial was put on the National Mall? Liberals, usually led by the ACLU, scream bloody murder every time they find a Christian symbol in a government building, or on public land. King’s monument is the latter; so where is the Left’s outrage?

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on the National Mall should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, only presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like the Chicago sewer rat’s campaign rhetoric.

Nine out of ten stories about MLK refer to him as one of America’s greatest leaders. MLK was not a national leader by any stretch of the imagination. Leader implies he led the nation. He might have been a spiritual leader to some, but he was still an opportunistic street hustling preacher to a substantial number of Americans. I suppose that will be forgotten in the fullness of time.

No preacher, or spiritual leader if you prefer, belongs on the National Mall because not a one of them leads everybody. Hell, King did not lead anywhere near a majority of Americans.

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Hypocrisy reigned supreme

Obama slobbered all over MLK’s memorial, but he objected to a prayer at the WWII Memorial —— a prayer by FDR no less!

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial
By Todd Starnes
November 4, 2011
Last Update December 23, 2015

I guess sewer rats only respects race hustlers like MLK and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright.

Note one race hustling preacher honored another:

Obama to mark 50th anniversary of MLK's 'dream' speech
AFP 8/7/2013 10:08:11 PM

Let me close by saying “I, too, have a dream.” Call in the Army Corps of Engineers and dynamite that memorial out of existence.

They could not get her on a double-sawbuck, so they are trying for:

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson, has urged that the Washington, D.C., memorial honoring the third president be replaced with a statue to abolitionist Harriet Tubman.

Thomas Jefferson Descendant: Replace D.C. Memorial with Harriet Tubman Monument
by Joshua Caplan
7 Jul 2020