Should 4chan be banned?



4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

Silencing opposition is a very Russian thing to be supporting, Mr. Putin.

4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

No. It's far better to know what the loonies are up to than to push them out of sight where they fester in the dark lile pustules around CFM's ragged asshole.

4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

The PC Fascists here will agree. The only information disseminated to the masses should first be filtered through the Politically Correct Ministry of Information.
The PC Fascists here will agree. The only information disseminated to the masses should first be filtered through the Politically Correct Ministry of Information.

If Americans were not so stupid as to believe anything they read on facebook this wouldn't be necessary. Unfortunately, Americans are very very stupid.
If Americans were not so stupid as to believe anything they read on facebook this wouldn't be necessary. Unfortunately, Americans are very very stupid.

Oh I agree. After watching some guy show up at a Pizza Parlor in Washington DC with a rifle looking for the Hillary Child Sex Ring, I can't deny your charge of 'Americans are Idiots'.
No. It's far better to know what the loonies are up to than to push them out of sight where they fester in the dark lile pustules around CFM's ragged asshole.

That's the lesson America learned with the election of Trump,that America still had a substantial group of White Nationalist,Nazi sympathisers,and good old ignorant white trash simple minded rednecks!

4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

Yes, all the political enemies of the Democrat Party should be banned. Right? Yay tyranny!

4chan is engaged in a constant stream of information warfare against America to destroy the progress we as a society have built. They are all regressive ingrates. I propose that they be banned, labelled an agent of Russia, and that they, and all descendant groups thereof, be permanently removed from the internet.

Isn't Barfly Billy always on there?