Should children and those under 16 be allowed to act in theatrical productions?


  • Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe so

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
If children were banned from the stage, and related industries, it would provide a significant boost to the fortunes of the midget community, who would inevitably strike to fill the ensuing power vacuum.

Due to the widespread shortage of little people, you never see as many as you used to do you, any child ban would have to be phased in. Perhaps the boffins in the lab, given enough time, would come up with some kind of dwarfism drug, or we could just force children to smoke from an early age in order to stunt their growth.

In conclusion - confusing.
"All the fearmongerer's throughout history have constantly been talking about how the times they're in are ESPECIALLY bad, and how great the past was. The only real difference is that the past was a bit fuzzy, so people learned to gleam over the bad parts. On the contrary, by any definition modern times is the most noble, least war and poverty ridden, most plentiful, and generally has the greatest percentage of the population free. Just three hundred years ago there wasn't a single person on Earth who was free, but the theocrats look upon that as high time."

Quote from WM in similar thread.
you just answered your own thread.