1960s Chick Magnet
This is something we need to talk about.
This is something we need to talk about.
This is something we need to talk about.
You forgot to include Lysol.
This is something we need to talk about.
well I see our peaceful forgiving were the party of caring and reason is still the party of violence killing and no morals or ethics and ignorance .
Seriously whats wrong with you all , wanting to execute a former president that has not been charged with a capitol offense .
you may be the biggest dumb asses and morons I have ever seen in my life. you sound more like the KKK or the Ayatollahs .
If I spoke of doing that to O bung hole or bill the pervert or blow hole Biden all of you would have a fit and seizures going wild like a bunch of wild like a bunch retards running wild naked with their dinks in their hands while smoking crack like hunter biter .
I hope none of you have kids and teach them this kind of bull shat thats where serial killer come from , the loins of morons .
Your some sickos and all need bitch slapped till you bleed out the nose mouth and your ass, simpletons fine examples of democrat radical SOBs .
Bunch of cowards and waste of skin.
And you wonder why 7 out of 10 felons in jail ID as democrats, human scum buckets , I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and begged me to .
Sound like your all about to go down on each other in some kind of perverted victory party where shaking hands isn't good enough .
now have a nice day as you all sit around kissing each others ass.
This is something we need to talk about.
I hear he wants to bring back firing squads. Just sayin'
Show the evidence concunt.
Obviously, reading and comprehension is not your strong suit. However, you do excel at trolling.
Now, a TRUMPTARD commenting on violence is hilarious enough, but exactly how many have actually supported the OP??????
Can you say Charlottesville??????
Have someone read it and explain it to you.
Obviously, reading and comprehension is not your strong suit. However, you do excel at trolling.
Now, a TRUMPTARD commenting on violence is hilarious enough, but exactly how many have actually supported the OP??????
Can you say Charlottesville??????
So you're talking about killing the president of the United States of America?
This is something we need to talk about.
This is something we need to talk about.
This is something we need to talk about.