Should Donald Trump replace Jesus in the trinity?

Should Donald Trump replace Jesus in the trinity?

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Only those who can't seem to effect him or destroy consider him a god. They've thrown every deceitful weapon they possess at him to no effect, to them he's not human thus he must be a god. Only a leftist would gestate a thread such as this and only a leftist would imagine some human to be a many Japanese cartons.

Why not get "Izanagi" or "Izanami" to handle the donald god? Or maybe a "Golem"? Perhaps "Vishnu"? Maybe the POPE...who is god on earth? Or better yet.....have ALLAH destroy the false prophet 'the donald'?

The truth? Only "He" who appointed him can dismiss him, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities, For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." -- Rom. 13:1-2
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