Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Trump loses, the question of social exclusion will no longer be a mere fantasy. In deciding which political appointees from this corrupt, bigoted, and inhumane (subhuman white christer trash) administration to shun, a rough division between those who served the country and those who enabled the president is helpful.
It does not take a Trump fan to acknowledge the professionalism and hard work of someone like David Schenker, a scholar of the Arab world who serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. Trade Representative, is a former Reagan administration official who is untainted by the daily scandals of the Trump White House.
In an administration staffed with unqualified hacks and nepotism cases, these experts and specialists deserve our thanks and appreciation.
But then there are those hacks and nepotism cases who should never have been allowed to serve in the positions they held and often abused. In a just world, they would never find political or policy work outside the Trumpian cesspool without a sincere public repudiation of their “service.”
Some, like Attorney General William Barr, are former Washington grandees who disgraced themselves in office. Others like Ric Grenell, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Mike Pompeo were never particularly respected in policy circles but now carry titles like “Ambassador,” “Advisor to the President,” and “Secretary” that think tanks, universities, nonprofits, and corporations often find irresistible.
On top of the unqualified toadies, there are the untouchable evildoers. It shouldn’t be controversial to say that any institution that treats Stephen Miller as an “immigration expert” or fetes Michael Caputo will have discredited itself, perhaps beyond repair.
It does not take a Trump fan to acknowledge the professionalism and hard work of someone like David Schenker, a scholar of the Arab world who serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. Trade Representative, is a former Reagan administration official who is untainted by the daily scandals of the Trump White House.
In an administration staffed with unqualified hacks and nepotism cases, these experts and specialists deserve our thanks and appreciation.
But then there are those hacks and nepotism cases who should never have been allowed to serve in the positions they held and often abused. In a just world, they would never find political or policy work outside the Trumpian cesspool without a sincere public repudiation of their “service.”
Some, like Attorney General William Barr, are former Washington grandees who disgraced themselves in office. Others like Ric Grenell, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Mike Pompeo were never particularly respected in policy circles but now carry titles like “Ambassador,” “Advisor to the President,” and “Secretary” that think tanks, universities, nonprofits, and corporations often find irresistible.
On top of the unqualified toadies, there are the untouchable evildoers. It shouldn’t be controversial to say that any institution that treats Stephen Miller as an “immigration expert” or fetes Michael Caputo will have discredited itself, perhaps beyond repair.