Should I be executed?

Should I be executed?

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the only problem i have is that i never know when you are serious. for the most part i think you're funny, make great points, but then i don't know if you are serious or not. i've debated you a few times and then you take such an extreme view...and i was like WTF... a couple of posters had to actually tell me that you are kidding and not to take you seriously.

so i figured it wasn't worth responding to most of your posts....i said no if you are going to alter that, but if you mean kill off this character and create a new one, then yeah, you should die

oh, and before you die, are/were you DNC?
Sometimes I respond seriously and sometimes I respond in a grandiose, exaggerated fashion.

I'm DNC.

yes, i nominated you for a medal...and no one believed me when i said it was fact one poster was like...huh...

though it is possible most knew and just didn't say anything...

so you really don't want to be taken seriously that right?