Should I remove my "Bush/Cheney" bumpersticker?

Ted Haggard

Verified User
Should I remove my ”Bush/Cheney!" bumpersticker from my car?

When I lived in conservative Colorado, I never had any problems with that bumpersticker. People would either high five me; click their heels together and snap me a Nazi salute; or otherwise congratulate me on my contribution to and public support of the War on IslamoFascism.

Since I moved out here to tree hugging Oregon, people seem to be snickering and laughing as the walk by my car. Now, I’m still proud of my two votes for Bush, but I must admit to y’all – it’s a tad bit embarrassing. Not sure what to do.

Should I remove my ”Bush/Cheney!" bumpersticker from my car?

When I lived in conservative Colorado, I never had any problems with that bumpersticker. People would either high five me; click their heels together and snap me a Nazi salute; or otherwise congratulate me on my contribution to and public support of the War on IslamoFascism.

Since I moved out here to tree hugging Oregon, people seem to be snickering and laughing as the walk by my car. Now, I’m still proud of my two votes for Bush, but I must admit to y’all – it’s a tad bit embarrassing. Not sure what to do.


Do you Damo and Tom Tancredo?
I meant, do you KNOW damo or tancredo.

Because he said he's from Colardo and everyone there loved him. I was just wondering.

A little touchy eh?
It just made no sense.

Although naming a dance move after me would be cool...

"Do you Damo?"

Just so long as it wasn't Elaine's moves from Sienfeld.
Should I remove my ”Bush/Cheney!" bumpersticker from my car?

When I lived in conservative Colorado, I never had any problems with that bumpersticker. People would either high five me; click their heels together and snap me a Nazi salute; or otherwise congratulate me on my contribution to and public support of the War on IslamoFascism.

Since I moved out here to tree hugging Oregon, people seem to be snickering and laughing as the walk by my car. Now, I’m still proud of my two votes for Bush, but I must admit to y’all – it’s a tad bit embarrassing. Not sure what to do.


what the fuck ted you stop puttin dicks in your ass and all of the sudden you want to be liberul

its suppose to be the other way round lol
Do you Damo and Tom Tancredo?

I'm trying to understand the question, young lady.

Did you mean to say do I do Damo and Tancredo?

Well, I never kiss and tell. That part of my life is over. I've been cured. Lets just say that Damo, Tancredo, the "Minutemen" and other patriotic coloradan men and I have had our share of good times together. There's something about guarding border fences and putting up Tancredo lawn signs together that gets the testosterone flowing. Male bonding never got any better.

Damo, remember that time with the ball gag and handcuffs?

Good times, good times......
I'm trying to understand the question, young lady.

Did you mean to say do I do Damo and Tancredo?

Well, I never kiss and tell. That part of my life is over. I've been cured. Lets just say that Damo, Tancredo, the "Minutemen" and other patriotic coloradan men and I have had our share of good times together. There's something about guarding border fences and putting up Tancredo lawn signs together that gets the testosterone flowing. Male bonding never got any better.

Damo, remember that time with the ball gag and handcuffs?

Good times, good times......


Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. Thanks Ted.
I'm trying to understand the question, young lady.

Did you mean to say do I do Damo and Tancredo?

Well, I never kiss and tell. That part of my life is over. I've been cured. Lets just say that Damo, Tancredo, the "Minutemen" and other patriotic coloradan men and I have had our share of good times together. There's something about guarding border fences and putting up Tancredo lawn signs together that gets the testosterone flowing. Male bonding never got any better.

Damo, remember that time with the ball gag and handcuffs?

Good times, good times......
Then when we all gathered and held hands for prayer. You know what a good Christian I am.
It just made no sense.

Although naming a dance move after me would be cool...

"Do you Damo?"

Just so long as it wasn't Elaine's moves from Sienfeld.

since we are semi on the subject though i would have to say that elaine (in like the middle seasons) is like.. on my top list of most attractive old ladies?

Seriously.. sometimes she was pretty hot.

*has said too much
I think Ted should just put a rainbow over the bumper sticker. You know it symbolizes "God's Promise" not to destroy the earth and all living things on it again...

That's all it stands for, really Ted.
It just made no sense.

Although naming a dance move after me would be cool...

"Do you Damo?"

Just so long as it wasn't Elaine's moves from Sienfeld.


I Damo. only where I come from its called a 12 ounce curl rather than a dance.

Whats up G?

By all means leave the sticker on your vehicle.
When other drivers see that sticker it sets off warning flags.

It says:
1. you dont pay attention so you are a danger
2. you think you own the road
3. you have blinders on and your vision is very narrow
4. you are very liable to do something illegal, laws don't apply to you
5. you have no respect for others property
6. drivers will avoid you for their own safety.

So yes, keep the sticker on, keep it clean and replace it when it gets worn.
I went to a party the other day where a dude had such a sticker on his car outfront. When I went in, I said, "I have an anouncement, it appears there has been a pratical joker in the parking lot. Someone has placed a Bush/Cheney bumpersticker on a white SUV in the parking lot."

I got a lot of laughs, but the dude whose car it was, was drunk, later he came over to me and said he was proud of his bumper sticker.