APP - should states that discriminate against members of military have their bases closed?

should states that discriminate against members of military have their bases closed?

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Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i say yes

if a state discriminates against any members of the military, then their military bases need to be closed and moved to states that do not discriminate against any members of our military
How about states that force their bars to close down, and their restaurants to stop serving alcohol, at 2:00am? That's pretty discriminatory against the military, yet I have to deal with that living here in WA...
That's not discrimination against the military.

Sure it is. States that don't recognize the same rights and benefits afforded gays by the federal government should be punished.

How about states that force their bars to close down, and their restaurants to stop serving alcohol, at 2:00am? That's pretty discriminatory against the military, yet I have to deal with that living here in WA...

But that's everybody, not just the military, ya durn drunk. Burp.
How about states that force their bars to close down, and their restaurants to stop serving alcohol, at 2:00am? That's pretty discriminatory against the military, yet I have to deal with that living here in WA...

not if it applies to everyone equally
Pretty sure non-recognition of gay marriage certificates is going to cover civilians residing within those states as well...

the military will recognize it and provide all the federal benefits, but if the state does not recognize it and refuses to provide any related state benefits, then the state will be discriminating against military personnel.

so a homosexual military couple would be treated one way by the military and another way by the state where they are based/assigned. so why should the military put up with a state that makes some military personnel second class citizens?

the secretary of defense should put military installations in such states on a list to be closed. especially since there will have to be cut backs in the military anyway.
Well, it's not like the military wasn't bullied into this in the first place...

then there was scotus's ruling on doma, i guess that they are bullies too.

ever study ancient history, like the sacred band of Thebes? one theory was that an army comprised of homosexual lovers would fight fiercely so as not to appear weak in the eyes of their lovers.

homosexuality in armies (sanctioned, nonsanctioned and tolerated) and armies of mixed sexes have a checkered history and are not well documented since writers about them were prejudiced for and against them.

one thing is for sure, shared combat makes for tight relationships
Meh, it's all about inspiring the troops with a cause they can believe in. For a long time, the American Dream has inspired some pretty capable soldiers. The Ancient Greeks believed themselves victorious over the Persians in those crucial battles, because the Greek soldiers were perceived as free citizens while their opponents were essentially slaves.