Should the Pentagon allow women to serve in full combat roles?

There is a legitimate reason why they're currently not allowed in front line combat roles. They can get pregnant. If we had a squad with women in it, and one got pregnant, that would reduce the operational capabilities of the squad significantly.
There is a legitimate reason why they're currently not allowed in front line combat roles. They can get pregnant. If we had a squad with women in it, and one got pregnant, that would reduce the operational capabilities of the squad significantly.

On the other hand if women similar to the one in your sig were in combat roles just think how enrollment would soar. :)
Send them to the front of the line. But we all know as soon as one of them is captured, raped and tortured, Gloria Allred will be the first one to sue the government for putting them in danger.
There is a legitimate reason why they're currently not allowed in front line combat roles. They can get pregnant. If we had a squad with women in it, and one got pregnant, that would reduce the operational capabilities of the squad significantly.

Only allow those in who are taking birth control pills.