Should the Republican party be banned?


In light of the radicalization of the Republican party, it would be very, very dangerous to ever put them in power again, and may be the end of the Republic. The don't believe in secular democracy; they want to seize power and use it ruthlessly to spread their incredible evil ideology, and to execute every non-Christian in the country.

Sure, they haven't killed millions of people yet, but why should we wait for them to do it? Ban the Republican party.
I think it would be a much better idea to track Waterhead down and shoot him in the head. This would solve the problem of having to listen to his petty whining and complaining constantly, and would save a tremendous amount of bandwidth at JPP. I realize killing someone is somewhat unethical, but in the case of Waterhead, it would be an act of mercy. If they did it with Terri Schiavo, they could surely make the exception for Waterhead!
Sure let's ban the party, but only if we ban the other parties with them. Fair is fair.

I thought of saying that earlier, but then decided it would be too predictable. Sorry.

It would also probably have given too much credibility to this thread. Since your post came after two insane posts from me, it doesn't matter at this point, though...
I thought of saying that earlier, but then decided it would be too predictable. Sorry.

It would also probably have given too much credibility to this thread. Since your post came after two insane posts from me, it doesn't matter at this point, though...

Nope. And if it does, I'm still on break from serious debate (apart from tearing Jarod a new one on guns).
I like next to waterstain and I will beat dixie's ass like a rented mule before he pulls the gun out.

Dems are huge fuck ups, they need the republicancs because anti-intellectuals make anybody look good.
I think it would be a much better idea to track Waterhead down and shoot him in the head. This would solve the problem of having to listen to his petty whining and complaining constantly, and would save a tremendous amount of bandwidth at JPP. I realize killing someone is somewhat unethical, but in the case of Waterhead, it would be an act of mercy. If they did it with Terri Schiavo, they could surely make the exception for Waterhead!
If you shot him in the head you would miss his brain by no less than 18 inches.