Should tom shut the fuck up about global warming?

Should tom STOP talkING about global warming?

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Well, on the one hand, Havana is an idiot and has no idea what the fuck he is talking about and basically makes Anglo-Saxons look like real retards. Then, on the other hand, he is funny, talks about the weather 5 million (or whatever) years ago, pretends he's an obnoxious cunt and blathers away non-stop, which is mildly amusing if it's a rainy day and I have nothing better to do for entertainment.

So, ... I'm a little conflicted on this one.
No, but you should shut the fuck up with the idiotic poll. You complain about "Mullet" and the like because it's juvenile. Then you post a sophomoric poll with a false dichotomy. Hypocrite much?

(looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed today) :(

I honestly don't think anyone else here gives a fuck about the issue

Sometimes I post an article on the subject but 90% of the time it's just to make Tom mad
I'm abstaining from voting. Yes Tom beats this topic to death. Yes, I agree with the scientific consensus and not Tom. But Tom does pose some legitimate dissent and he's the only dissenter on the Climate Change consensus on JPP that isn't a blooming idiot.
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not until there are no more lib'ruls who think human beings caused global warming.......I voted no, assuming the mouth breather in question is the author of the OP.....
not until there are no more lib'ruls who think human beings caused global warming.......I voted no, assuming the mouth breather in question is the author of the OP.....

Pastor Pimp is proud to believe Tom's nonsense.
he also believes he will live forever if he says the correct magical incantations on his knees, so...

I'm abstaining from voting. Yes Tom beats this topic to death. Yes, I agree with the scientific consensus and not Tom. But Tom does pose some legitimate dissent and he's the only dissenter on the Climate Change consensus on JPP that isn't a blooming idiot.

We get about ten or twenty moronic anti-Trump threads a day on this forum and you two twits want to cry about the few threads Tom starts about Global Warming?
