Should Ukraine have made Putin a happy despot?

In 1991 Ukraine became an independent state after a 92% referendum vote for independence. It inherited the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In 1994 it agreed to give this up under the Budapest Memorandum signed by the US, UK and Russia. The main undertakings by the signatories were:

Respect Ukraine's independence and sovereignty in its existing borders.
Refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
Refrain from the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

Fast forward 28 years, and Putin invades Ukraine with the declared intention of overthrowing the elected government (on the grounds that it’s “Nazi”) and annexing part or all of Ukraine’s territory (on the grounds that it’s Russian). Having failed to achieve these aims by conventional warfare, Putin is now hinting at using tactical nuclear weapons.

Some people say the West should wash their hands of it, Ukraine brought it all on itself by fighting back when it could have surrendered, etc. What do you think?
Hello Tranquillus,

Your final sentence might have overstated it. What is the cost, for western Europe, of continued war in Ukraine? Among other things, it could be a long, cold winter.
