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Have you ever heard about a private company that was not in the business of making money?

A cruise ship allows you to board without being vaccinated rather than return your money.

After months of speculation, today The Washington Post confirmed that the Biden regime is developing a “vaccine passport” that Americans may need to present to prove they have received their COVID-19 vaccine before they will be allowed to engage in commerce in a “return to normalcy” that looks nothing like the past.

China Joe Biden is not guilty of developing vaccine passports, but I have to admit that bureaucrats in the “Biden regime” get the blame.


China Joe is not guilty this time because he is so far gone mentally his last connection to the world the rest of live in consists of signing everything his little Communists put on his desk.

According to The Washington Post, the Biden regime “and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as ‘vaccine passports’ — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.”

They note that many businesses, “from cruise lines to sports teams,” will require individuals to take the COVID-19 vaccine before they are offered business. The Biden regime, apparently, views this as a positive development.

Logically, cruise ship lines will have to require a “. . . boarding pass.”

“The passports are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones,” the Post reported. “Which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access should be able to print out the passports, developers have said.”

According to those developing the vaccine passports, they must be entirely unique, and not able to be hacked or tampered with, lest Americans engage in commerce without taking one of the controversial vaccines.

Biden’s team is apparently committed to the vaccine passports, though they refused to speak to the media on the subject, and apparently do not like branding them “passports” but would instead like to see them called “credentials or certificates.”

Somehow, calling them certificates does not cut it for me; so lets just call them ‘papers’

The Washington Post explains:

Micky Tripathi, whom Biden tapped as the national coordinator for health IT, recently said federal officials are concerned with a variety of health-tech challenges, including protecting the credentials against fraud, ensuring data security and making certain that low-income populations aren’t squeezed out.

“How do we make sure that whatever is available is accessible to everyone so no one is left behind or feeling like they can’t participate in the return of their day-to-day activities?” Tripathi asked at a virtual meeting hosted by the Health IT Leadership Roundtable on March 11.

Tripathi told the group he didn’t like the term “vaccine passports,” adding that “passports are something that are issued by governments. … I think of them as vaccine credentials or certificates.” Tripathi did not respond to a request for comment.

The Washington Post explains that the initiative is happening globally, with the CDC participating in the controversial World Health Organization’s initiative to roll out the passports.

The left wing newspaper also believes that the vaccines can be used to bully skeptical Americans into taking the controversial vaccines.

“There is evidence vaccine passports could motivate skeptical Americans to get shots.

Does disembarking qualify as motivation?

. . . you cannot disembark until you take the vaccine.”

So where is the choice. How many people will not cave-in just to get off the ship?

Several vaccine-hesitant participants at a recent focus group of Trump voters led by pollster Frank Luntz suggested their desire to see family, go on vacation and resume other aspects of daily life outpaced fear of the shots, particularly if travel companies and others moved to require proof of vaccination,” they assert.

NOTE: Every swamp creature wants “Show me your papers.” —— but not one ELECTED official will admit it.

However, the Biden regime apparently wants this pressure to come entirely in the form of corporate interests requiring vaccines, and does not want to use the weight of the federal government to require the vaccine passports.
So we look to the capitol where this regime still has razor wire and the national guard playing the Pretorian guard. Now he's setting it up so we need papers?

Seems those fighting fascism, have missed the mark,.

So we look to the capitol where this regime still has razor wire and the national guard playing the Pretorian guard. Now he's setting it up so we need papers?

Seems those fighting fascism, have missed the mark,.


To Big Money Dolla: Good call.

Since 1941 American Communists claimed that Communism is good because fascism is bad. For 80 years Democrats labeling every thought they feared was FASCISM —— along with calling every American they hate FASCIST worked to perfection. Communists pretending to fight fascism for eight decades was so effective they are confident they will get vaccination passports.

Hitler had one standing order Nazi Party recruiters obeyed throughout his rise to power: ‘Recruit new members from the ranks of the Communists because they always make the best Fascists.’

Today, the descendants of the very Communists who swore they hated fascism will legislate ‘medical papers’.

The worst part is that Democrats will not stop at medical passports. Eventually, every target for extinction will have to show identity papers to everyone wearing:

this seems like it would be a violation of our constitutional right to travel freely.........

To SmarterthanYou:

Democrats never let a good crisis go to waste, nor do they let a constitutional Right stand in their way.
I told you so.


Before hopping aboard a plane, you soon may be required to flash your medical records in the form of a vaccine passport.

And it doesn’t stop there.

The newly proposed vaccine passport could also act as a pass to get into movie theaters, music concerts, restaurants, bars and shopping malls.

Governments, airlines, employers, universities, and many other businesses are intensely debating how best to review verified health records.

With the vaccine passport, your COVID-19 records may soon function as an actual passport. Think of arriving at the airport, pulling out your smartphone and scanning a digital record of your vaccination or negative test.

A so-called digital vaccine passport could have a QR code that would unlock your vaccine and COVID-19 testing information, which tourism experts say could be a requirement to travel and even enter places like stadiums, movie theaters, and concerts.

Several airlines, including Jet Blue and United, are now on board with the idea. They’ve partnered with the common trust network to create a CommonPass app.

And for folks who don't have a smartphone, they would be required to have a smart card or microchip with their COVID-19 credentials.
The worst part is that Democrats will not stop at medical passports.

I was partially correct. Democrats stopped demanding medical passports from homosexuals proving they are not infected with HIV or AIDS.

October 19, 2019
Democrats call for repeal of HIV disclosure laws
By Eric Utter

A few years ago the numbers reported in a story out of that Socialist paradise, Communist China, about an AIDS epidemic was a mind blower. I tend to distrust any reports about AIDS because I always sense the U.N.'s hand is shaking the can for more money. I especially suspect China because of its forced abortion policies in its drive to achieve absolute population control. It did not seem logical to me that a government that murders children in the womb will then turn around and claim it wants to do something humane about AIDS sufferers. In any event, here are a few observations on AIDS and socialized medicine.

Sexual contact is the most common way of transmitting AIDS. I mentioned a pre-sex screening test on another board as a way to reverse the spread of that disease. Developing such a test may not be possible, but I do know that nobody ever tried. As I suggested, a saliva test would be the most effective way —— if possible. For example: People about to engage in sex could wet a piece of paper with saliva that would change color if the infection is present. Then sex is out if a prospective partner does not pass the spit test sex.

I am not saying that any test would be easy to develop, but it is worth trying for, or trying for something equally as effective like a patch test applied to the skin. With all of money the Hollywood crowd raises to fight AIDS, I have to wonder why they are not using their tremendous leverage to fund research in the direction I am suggesting?

NOTE: In less than a year Big Pharma developed a test for a fake pandemic —— COVID-19.

The first case of HIV was reported in 1981, yet after 40 years Big Pharma never developed a spit test to identify HIV or AIDS carriers.

p.s. It seems that a spit test for horses has been a priority since:

. . . 1912, saliva tests were introduced for horses which tested for alkaloids such as theobromine, caffeine, cocaine, morphine, and strychnine.

I will wager that Big Pharma would come out with a spit test for homosexuals in a few weeks if horses caught HIV.
She's a seamstress.

She gave a quick snap of her bra strap with her thumb at the shoulder.


When the term 'cholita' was first coined, it was meant to be derogatory -
the female version of 'cholo' meaning a half-cast mestizo that, last century,
denoted a person of lower socioeconomic status. ... In essence, the Cholitas
have become respected fashion icons in a land that used to treat them appallingly.

A few businesses are calling for proof you have been vaccinated. It makes sense but like everything people will cheat. Cheating in this case though could sicken if not kill. My wife and I have our card already, it is from the CDC. Dated etc. While we have been careful during this past year for the most part we lived normally. Be safe out there but get vaccinated. Those of us old enough to remember polio advise it. Back then health wasn't a political game it was the sane, intelligent choice. Americans appear to have grown dumber under republicans and dark money.

'Trump Spreads Distorted Claim on Wuhan Lab Funding'