show of hands....

If its the story of her going to jail......Too funny. I heard she was trying to blame her publicist.

Can one go to he** for schadenfreude?
It is. She thinks that going to jail is cruel. I mean HOW DARE she have to go to JAIL just because she broke the law....and yes, she is trying to blame her publicist. I wish she had to go to a real jail.... cause I would love nothing more than to hear the story of how some "Buela" beat the living shit out of her spoiled ass.
It is. She thinks that going to jail is cruel. I mean HOW DARE she have to go to JAIL just because she broke the law....and yes, she is trying to blame her publicist. I wish she had to go to a real jail.... cause I would love nothing more than to hear the story of how some "Buela" beat the living shit out of her spoiled ass.
She'd be a sex slave to somebody quickly if she went to "real jail".
Oh I know! Wouldn't that be hilarious if she had to go into the general population? I would actually pay to see that.
"Oh I know! Wouldn't that be hilarious if she had to go into the general population? I would actually pay to see that."

As would I. New reality show perhaps? The "not so simple life".
I was thinking, "The Simple Life: Getting Complicated"

Either way, seeing her have to deal with inmates with chips on their shoulders and that likely hate rich spoiled a-holes. I wonder if the inmates know she's racist.
" I wonder if the inmates know she's racist."

If not, I would be more than happy to provide them with that detail. 45 days of watching her get her ass kicked. It would be a ratings masterpiece.
If not, I would be more than happy to provide them with that detail. 45 days of watching her get her a*^ kicked. It would be a ratings masterpiece.

Hah hah! I would watch it religiously. I wonder if little girls would still think she was uber-kewl.
"Hah hah! I would watch it religiously"

After the 45 days, they could sell the DVD of the 45 days for $250 each. Donate all money to MADD or SADD or abuse shelters.... something along those lines.

As for the lil girls, hopefully they would learn that it ISN'T "cool" to be a stuck up spoiled lil rich racist bitch.
How sweet would it be if her anorexic side kick was sent to prison too. I think she is definitely goign to do time. She really almost killed people.
she needs to spend her 45 days in the drunk tank. I wish if I goit into prouble I could claim celebrity exemption from prosecution like OJ, Rush, Paris, etc, etc...
Ohh I am not forgetting them or Bush's DUI and probably Coke thing either. Hard to say since people of means get their records purged.