Show the internets your art



Join this free site and let the world see your materpieces. There is some great art at this site. I know you will like at least a few of the artists no matter what you enjoy. You can surf the artists without joining but you can't comment unless you create an account.

It is cool stuff.

Our little stirfry has become an artist and art lover.

You go Stir, make your life as happy as it can possibley be dude.
It is cool stuff.

Our little stirfry has become an artist and art lover.

You go Stir, make your life as happy as it can possibley be dude.

hehe actually it was the wire art that led me to wanting to learn the internet. I made all those pieces before i even used a computer. LOL I was a semi-luddite when it came to computers. I used to say "until a computer can give me a blow job, I'm not buying one" and I spent all my cash breaking bicycles in far away places. The art with wires resulted from a chance viewing of Richard Hoaglands Monuments of Mars. I had always been a good cartoonist, having been exposed to the art of a good friend, who was a fantastic artist. Anyway, the math of the cydonia mars/Giza Egypt monuments connection instantly clicked in my head. The elegant math was the basis of beauty and I had to explore it. the wires came after I struggled for a week or so to create a ball based on the path of energy defined by golden ratio increments(or my estimates of them, anyway).

It's a really strange path that's led stirfry off the trails and into digital realm. You have to remember that riding bikes at the level I used to took most of my attention. If not for a snowstorm that kept me from riding (it was too deep or I woulda ridden), I never would have caught the video of Hoagland addressing the united nations and would have never even known about golden ratio math, which has proven to be life changing information.

I struggle every day to not believe this information is purposely witheld from the masses.

ANYWAY, wasn't that guys work amazing? I can't get his style out of my head.

OOh, I almost forgot. I made an Obama scuplture yesterday in about three hours. It was the first piece I've made since 2003. It's freaking amazing, but I have to tune it a little before I'm done. Keep an eye out for the unveiling here at JPP. You guys are, and will always be, my personal portal community.
My cyberpeeps!
Damn Stir you sound happier than I've ever heard you before.

Your life has meaning and passion that eminates from your soul.

Damn I'm stoned.

first new piece in 4 years. You saw it first!
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I like the shadow effect.

I know. The shadows look better than the damn piece. LOL I'm not satisfied with it so I'm going to make another one. This was just an experimental piece. They all are. LOL

Here's a old piece I finally took a pic of. Youu like this.
You should start an art social group here. People can post up their art. I may even post up some of my middle daughter's stuff. For 8, she's talented!

Of course, I'm biased...
You should start an art social group here. People can post up their art. I may even post up some of my middle daughter's stuff. For 8, she's talented!

Of course, I'm biased...

Damo, I just had the same thought after I took a look at and realized they had no discussin forum.

Let's build our own art forum with galleries and slide shows and custom 3D effects I have scripted. Check out my new profile pic to see what I did with MS paint and irvanview. the image skew looks so perfect now that I fixed it.

let's do it! I post a million links on craigslist and will fil it up in no time.
Now I just need a catchy name. LOL

superbowl paty time

later ! enjoy!
Damo, I just had the same thought after I took a look at and realized they had no discussin forum.

Let's build our own art forum with galleries and slide shows and custom 3D effects I have scripted. Check out my new profile pic to see what I did with MS paint and irvanview. the image skew looks so perfect now that I fixed it.

let's do it! I post a million links on craigslist and will fil it up in no time.
Now I just need a catchy name. LOL

superbowl paty time

later ! enjoy!
That sounds like a great idea.
WOW, I just got an email from a gallery owner who is opening a new location. I sent a few pics and a bio and he bit! I might turn this wire crap into money. LOL wouldn't that be great! And this morning, right next this very email, was another very important email. Ben Joffe emailed me back and gave me permission to use anything he's written in my own programming. Ben is an amazing javascript coder who published some awesome scripts that have both inspired and taught me elegant coding solutions. This is one great morning for me. It's about time something went right in my life. Now, if my back would just heal and I can lift my sander again, I might be able to cash in in the down market. I specialize in low cost high quality floors and right now the atmosphere could not be better. The company that let me go is down to 3 employees. His overhead is ridiculous. And the moron was remodeling and buying new Tshirts and hats for his entire crew right in the middle of the credit crunch. I saw the writing on the wall anyway. I knew my job was going to disappear at that big ol monster of a company. I guess it's lucky I have workers comp dough coming in. And holy crap, I'm getting buffed out with all this weight training 4 hours a day. LOL

Holy cow, I'm rambling.

So the new gallery owner wants me to make some bees and flies. I wanna make some spiders and flowers too. Get ready world. stirfry is going into overdrive. no less than 5 pieces a day is my goal. First I have to draw the plans. wish me luck, friends.

(yells wooo hooo!!!)
All the best with everything, Stir.

If you're ever staging a British exhibition i'm expecting a discount on entry, mind.
Garden sculptures would likely be a good spin off product with the bees, flys, flowers and even the spiders to a lesser extent.

Make them inexpensive enough and they will sell with spring coming up.
If you work the shadows, like you did with the Obama in wire (the shadow on the wall looked more like Obama than the wire itself) you can make a ton. People will be amazed at the shadow work and feel like they have a "secret"...