Shrubbie and Maineman


Worst gambler ever
I've known you guys for nearly 10 years. You have had principles that have gone beyond partisan things. If you guys help cheerlead this rhetoric into a war, then shame the fuck on you. You two know better! You two were the voice of reason when the drums were beating ten years ago! You are making excuses now? Because the president is a democrat? Are you no different than the shitheads that sent us to war in 2003? Please please say it isn't so. Please.
I've known you guys for nearly 10 years. You have had principles that have gone beyond partisan things. If you guys help cheerlead this rhetoric into a war, then shame the fuck on you. You two know better! You two were the voice of reason when the drums were beating ten years ago! You are making excuses now? Because the president is a democrat? Are you no different than the shitheads that sent us to war in 2003? Please please say it isn't so. Please.
Don't go. Don't do it. It's not a clear and present danger and we don't need the oil that bad.....or do we?
beefy... I sincerely and honestly hope that we don't get involved in Syria. That's a fact. If, however, Ronald Reagan had said, in March of 1988, that Iraq had crossed a red line by using chemical weapons against the Kurds, I would have backed his play. If we tacitly condone the use of weapons the world had earlier decided we would not condone, then we take a huge step backward as humanity. I don't know how we stop Assad from using them, but I truly believe that the world needs to step up, together, and stop it. I do not think it makes any sense to go it alone if the world won't go with us, but for Obama to ask the world to stick to their treaties and stop the use of these weapons, I think that is a good thing to do.
beefy... I sincerely and honestly hope that we don't get involved in Syria. That's a fact. If, however, Ronald Reagan had said, in March of 1988, that Iraq had crossed a red line by using chemical weapons against the Kurds, I would have backed his play. If we tacitly condone the use of weapons the world had earlier decided we would not condone, then we take a huge step backward as humanity. I don't know how we stop Assad from using them, but I truly believe that the world needs to step up, together, and stop it. I do not think it makes any sense to go it alone if the world won't go with us, but for Obama to ask the world to stick to their treaties and stop the use of these weapons, I think that is a good thing to do.

maineman says... "I sincerely and honestly hope that we don't get involved in Syria. That's a fact."

and then came the ifs and buts.....the fact is, if we do get 'involved' in the Syrian civil war or rebellion, it will be our own doing....our own choice...our own fault.
I've known you guys for nearly 10 years. You have had principles that have gone beyond partisan things. If you guys help cheerlead this rhetoric into a war, then shame the fuck on you. You two know better! You two were the voice of reason when the drums were beating ten years ago! You are making excuses now? Because the president is a democrat? Are you no different than the shitheads that sent us to war in 2003? Please please say it isn't so. Please.

desh is the epitome of the saying "a broken watch is right twice a day"

she has never operated on reason, she has holes in her brain and is barely sentient.
This is what I do not understand. If those people in those videos had been shot, or had shrapnel, or been bombed, or had been the victims of any other form of conventional warfare, we would not be beating drums here. Why are you using a tactic of war to justify more war? Guns, bombs and grenades kill more people than chemical weapons. Feigning this red line bothers the shit out of me because is speaks to the fact that you're NOT anti war, you are in fact PRO war and you just need the right guy to lead you into it. Dammit! I'm not going to listen to your excuses! Try to tap dance around this shit?!?! Come the fuck on and get real. Don't even try to sell me this flat, utter and complete bullshit. I'm deeply disappointed and cannot believe this shit. It truly confounds me. I'm at a loss for words. I thought politics for death was beyond some of you. I guess I thought wrong.
maineman says... "I sincerely and honestly hope that we don't get involved in Syria. That's a fact."

and then came the ifs and buts.....the fact is, if we do get 'involved' in the Syrian civil war or rebellion, it will be our own doing....our own choice...our own fault.

You're really the flip side of the coin, bravs. You have no irony meter.
maineman says... "I sincerely and honestly hope that we don't get involved in Syria. That's a fact."

and then came the ifs and buts.....the fact is, if we do get 'involved' in the Syrian civil war or rebellion, it will be our own doing....our own choice...our own fault.

In my whole life, I have never come across anyone with less self-awareness.
This is what I do not understand. If those people in those videos had been shot, or had shrapnel, or been bombed, or had been the victims of any other form of conventional warfare, we would not be beating drums here. Why are you using a tactic of war to justify more war? Guns, bombs and grenades kill more people than chemical weapons. Feigning this red line bothers the shit out of me because is speaks to the fact that you're NOT anti war, you are in fact PRO war and you just need the right guy to lead you into it. Dammit! I'm not going to listen to your excuses! Try to tap dance around this shit?!?! Come the fuck on and get real. Don't even try to sell me this flat, utter and complete bullshit. I'm deeply disappointed and cannot believe this shit. It truly confounds me. I'm at a loss for words. I thought politics for death was beyond some of you. I guess I thought wrong.

Well that's what I don't get either. It's okay to burn to death tens of thousands (or in our case, hundreds of thousands) of people with bombs, but kill a few hundred with a chemical weapon and the entire world comes to a shocked standstill. There is something very wrong with this. I don't get this thinking at all. And the people who are up in arms wouldn't blink an eye if you firebombed a population as long as you claimed you only targeted military installations or "delivery systems" and the death of any civilians was regrettable. It's so crazy. It's entirely insane and I've given up trying to argue with it rationally. Because you cannot argue rationally against something irrational.

I wouldn't want to die in a chemical attack. I am certain it is horrifying and terrifying. I also wouldn't have wanted to be on the ground in Dresden...or Baghdad during shock and awe. Plenty of people died horrifying and terrifying deaths then too. Maybe war just sucks and should be avoided.
This is what I do not understand. If those people in those videos had been shot, or had shrapnel, or been bombed, or had been the victims of any other form of conventional warfare, we would not be beating drums here. Why are you using a tactic of war to justify more war? Guns, bombs and grenades kill more people than chemical weapons. Feigning this red line bothers the shit out of me because is speaks to the fact that you're NOT anti war, you are in fact PRO war and you just need the right guy to lead you into it. Dammit! I'm not going to listen to your excuses! Try to tap dance around this shit?!?! Come the fuck on and get real. Don't even try to sell me this flat, utter and complete bullshit. I'm deeply disappointed and cannot believe this shit. It truly confounds me. I'm at a loss for words. I thought politics for death was beyond some of you. I guess I thought wrong.
Well Beefy.....I guess that all depends on who is dying? Now for example, I really love that Rap singers are killing each other. Not that I have any problems with rap music.....I just like the idea of celebrities killing each other. I mean like wouldn't it be really cool if Rachel Ray stoved in Bobby Flays head with a cast iron skillet? And you can't tell me that you wouldn't love to see Poppa Bear O'Reilly bust a cap on Rachel Maddow and you know what would be really awesome? For Richard Simmons to strangle Rosie O'Donnel. Wouldn't that be great? :)
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desh is the epitome of the saying "a broken watch is right twice a day"

she has never operated on reason, she has holes in her brain and is barely sentient.

I think you overestimate Desh. She lacks even instinctual intelligence. If she was a slug she wouldn't even know to move herself underneath a garbage can on a hot day and end up fried on the pavement.
Well Beefy.....I guess that all depends on who is dying? Now for example, I really love that Rap singers are killing each other. Not that I have any problems with rap music.....I just like the idea of celebrities killing each other. I mean like wouldn't it be really cool if Rachel Ray stoved in Bobby Flays head with a cast iron skillet? And you can't tell me that you wouldn't love to see Poppa Bear O'Reilly bust a cap on Rachel Maddow and you know what would be really awesome? For Richard Simmons to strangle Rosie O'Donnel. Wouldn't that be great? :)
LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Hell knows I needed it.
Well that's what I don't get either. It's okay to burn to death tens of thousands (or in our case, hundreds of thousands) of people with bombs, but kill a few hundred with a chemical weapon and the entire world comes to a shocked standstill. There is something very wrong with this. I don't get this thinking at all. And the people who are up in arms wouldn't blink an eye if you firebombed a population as long as you claimed you only targeted military installations or "delivery systems" and the death of any civilians was regrettable. It's so crazy. It's entirely insane and I've given up trying to argue with it rationally. Because you cannot argue rationally against something irrational.

I wouldn't want to die in a chemical attack. I am certain it is horrifying and terrifying. I also wouldn't have wanted to be on the ground in Dresden...or Baghdad during shock and awe. Plenty of people died horrifying and terrifying deaths then too. Maybe war just sucks and should be avoided.

Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo.... War is a horrible nightmare. I just cant believe who is beating the drums. I'm totally dumbfounded. Politics really goes this deep on all sides? Shit, the Republicans don't even bother trying to hide it and now I'm seeing the yellowest of dogs looking towards it. I'm totally floored.
I've known you guys for nearly 10 years. You have had principles that have gone beyond partisan things. If you guys help cheerlead this rhetoric into a war, then shame the fuck on you. You two know better! You two were the voice of reason when the drums were beating ten years ago! You are making excuses now? Because the president is a democrat? Are you no different than the shitheads that sent us to war in 2003? Please please say it isn't so. Please.


you may be willing to watch the world gas babies for the sake of dictator powers but us honest decent human being wont
Now I backed the Afgan war.

that was Bush lead and made some sense.

I did not back Iraq because it was a pack of lies.

This action is NOT based on lies