APP - Shy Guy vs. JPP: Don Quixote

Here's the topic:

Free Markets: Headache or Quick Fix? :)

actually neither

a certain amount of free markets is is necessary for a complete economy

just like neither capitalism and socialism succeed by themselves, but a combination or perhaps a bit of each is necessary for an economy

no single system works by itself, but combinations, when properly combined may work...for a while
Here's the topic:

Free Markets: Headache or Quick Fix? :)

actually neither

a certain amount of free markets is is necessary for a complete economy

just like neither capitalism and socialism succeed by themselves, but a combination or perhaps a bit of each is necessary for an economy

no single system works by itself, but combinations, when properly combined may work...for a while
Yeah, I thought free markets might be a good topic, being that you called yourself fiscally conservative, but apparently we share the same view. If you want, I could debate from a more hard-line position, or choose a different topic.
Yeah, I thought free markets might be a good topic, being that you called yourself fiscally conservative, but apparently we share the same view. If you want, I could debate from a more hard-line position, or choose a different topic.

being fiscally conservative means wanting the most for my extorted tax dollars or the biggest bang for my bucks

that means putting a sunset clause on all programs approved by our government so they may either be cancelled or restructured

alas, i think you may be correct in that we agree on too many things

oh well
being fiscally conservative means wanting the most for my extorted tax dollars or the biggest bang for my bucks

that means putting a sunset clause on all programs approved by our government so they may either be cancelled or restructured

alas, i think you may be correct in that we agree on too many things

oh well

Ah, I know what fiscally conservative means. There was just a due presupposition that you considered fiscally conservative to be equivocal to Austrian - being that we're Americans.

I'm still intending to debate you, but I think something more broad might be easier. How about an ideal society as a topic?
Ah, I know what fiscally conservative means. There was just a due presupposition that you considered fiscally conservative to be equivocal to Austrian - being that we're Americans.

I'm still intending to debate you, but I think something more broad might be easier. How about an ideal society as a topic?

lay on mcduff...let me start by saying that an ideal society would require an excellent military and the occasional war to keep it bloodied and fit
lay on mcduff...let me start by saying that an ideal society would require an excellent military and the occasional war to keep it bloodied and fit

I disagree with you about that. This isn't common knowledge, but the US has been at war practically nonstop throughout the past century. Nicaragua is one of my favorite examples. My conclusion regarding this, is that we've had huge success as a global police force - ie. terrorist state -, but at too great a cost.
I disagree with you about that. This isn't common knowledge, but the US has been at war practically nonstop throughout the past century. Nicaragua is one of my favorite examples. My conclusion regarding this, is that we've had huge success as a global police force - ie. terrorist state -, but at too great a cost.

i am not for keeping a military that could be a global policeman, but one sufficient to prevent or deal with attacks against said ideal society

there are nations with little or no military because the u s of a is playing at being the global policeman

remember the soviet union and now there is china
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i am not for keeping a military that could be a global policeman, but one sufficient to prevent or deal with attacks against said ideal society

there are nations with little or no military because the u s of a is playing at being the global policeman

remember the soviet union and now there is china

But who decides what an "ideal society" is?
But who decides what an "ideal society" is?

inevidently, the society itself

no one person or group of people can make that decision...unless they have a long time to manipulate the current society

perhaps closest would be a democratic republic under a constitution that does not allow a minority to be oppressed by a majority or let a minority oppress the majority...say forbidding gerrymandering

and without states within a federal government - last may not be possible though
inevidently, the society itself

no one person or group of people can make that decision...unless they have a long time to manipulate the current society

perhaps closest would be a democratic republic under a constitution that does not allow a minority to be oppressed by a majority or let a minority oppress the majority...say forbidding gerrymandering

and without states within a federal government - last may not be possible though

Well, being that we're talking about foreign policy, the bold text is pretty accurate. Nobody's elected the US as an imperial power, but despite that, the abuses simply don't cease.
Well, being that we're talking about foreign policy, the bold text is pretty accurate. Nobody's elected the US as an imperial power, but despite that, the abuses simply don't cease.

i doubt that the u s can be converted to an ideal society

the u s became a super power after wwii, later the soviet union joined in and later went to pieces and now china is aiming at being a super power and we will continue to be one, but only if china continues to finance us...

china by need, needs more and more natural resources to continue its economic growth and is at odds with us who want the same natural resources

so is the next step real war with china or economic war with china or both

oh well
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i doubt that the u s can be converted to an ideal society

the u s became a super power after wwii, later the soviet union joined in and later went to pieces and now china is aiming at being a super power and we will continue to be one, but only if china continues to finance us...

china by need, needs more and more natural resources to continue its economic growth and is at odds with us who want the same natural resources

so is the next step real war with china or economic war with china or both

oh well

Yeah, the US is in a pretty unsustainable position right now. Whiter it be the growing class disparity, rising price of natural resources, partisan gridlock, budding dissatisfaction with the current system, quickly rising debt, rising poverty rate, intrusive role of robots, China's rapid development, etc. These next few generations are going into a tough new world.

But back on foreign policy: The Middle East and Central America have a big role as well. The Arab spring wasn't a great thing for us, and if Venezuela is used as a model, CE could become a problem area as well.
Yeah, the US is in a pretty unsustainable position right now. Whiter it be the growing class disparity, rising price of natural resources, partisan gridlock, budding dissatisfaction with the current system, quickly rising debt, rising poverty rate, intrusive role of robots, China's rapid development, etc. These next few generations are going into a tough new world.

But back on foreign policy: The Middle East and Central America have a big role as well. The Arab spring wasn't a great thing for us, and if Venezuela is used as a model, CE could become a problem area as well.

central america and south america are already budding trouble spots

and the roof is going to fall in on the next generation if the u s does not get its act together, especially in education and innovation

the troubles may be staved off for the next two generations, but i do not hold out much hope for the third without some major changes that the conservatives will fight tooth and nail

central america and south america are already budding trouble spots

and the roof is going to fall in on the next generation if the u s does not get its act together, especially in education and innovation

the troubles may be staved off for the next two generations, but i do not hold out much hope for the third without some major changes that the conservatives will fight tooth and nail


Yeah, things are looking pretty grim. I can only hope that next... singularity... will come around on time.

On that note, what do you think could be done about education?
Yeah, things are looking pretty grim. I can only hope that next... singularity... will come around on time.

On that note, what do you think could be done about education?

gee, you ask the simple questions...

ok, open schools at 6am and close them at 7pm - this is to give time to working parents to drop off and pick up their kids and allow pre and post school tutoring or sleep or study more than one hour of homework a night

go to a quarter system with students attending each quarter

make class lengths 90 minutes with a 10 minute break at the beginning

require all teachers to have a relevant masters degree

start with preschools (nursery schools)

assign students to classes that they can manage, but are challenging

reduce class sizes to a maximum of 16 students

make schools safe for the students - that means security 24/7 and good fences and monitored entrances/exits

provide proper timely maintenance for schools and have students rotate cleaning up food areas after each meal break

provide nutritious good food at no charge to the parents and students (this would include breakfast and dinner for students dropped off early and/or late)

air condition schools

teach aikdo and tai quan do for physical education and mostly non-contact team sports like volley ball

have a registered nurse on duty at each school

have a guidance and other type of counselor at each school

provide work experience and related classes for students that want or plan on going into 'blue' collar jobs upon graduation

provide preparation for students that want to go to 2 year or 4 year colleges/universities and advanced degrees

provide internships in related fields that students want to work in

paint schools in varied bright stimulating colors

have teachers that will do their best to teach students to think

have classes in basic law, home maintenance and home financial functions

teach students first aid and cpr and how to cope with various emergencies

well this is just for starters and it is late

good night