*sigh* i fucking hate this show


on indefiniate mod break
my stupid brothers girlfriend is here and she is watching "friends" on tv. I fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE HATTTTTTTE THIS FUCKING SHOW it's not funny the characters annoy me and piss me off, the jokes aren't funny, and I am being 100% serious, this show DEPRESSES me, honestly it makes me 100% legit depressed. Many would ask why I'm not leaving the room but fuck that shit I'm in a comfy chair.

I've never watched an entire episode, perhaps turned it on and then pretty much immediately chose something else. That about describes how I feel about shows such as Family Guy.
my stupid brothers girlfriend is here and she is watching "friends" on tv. I fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE HATTTTTTTE THIS FUCKING SHOW it's not funny the characters annoy me and piss me off, the jokes aren't funny, and I am being 100% serious, this show DEPRESSES me, honestly it makes me 100% legit depressed. Many would ask why I'm not leaving the room but fuck that shit I'm in a comfy chair.


Go to showtime and watch a re-run of Dexter. You'll feel much better.
I've never watched an entire episode, perhaps turned it on and then pretty much immediately chose something else. That about describes how I feel about shows such as Family Guy.

Personally I'm a fan of 2 and a half men. Charlie Sheen is hillarious playing a mysogenistic bastard.
When I lived in Tampa, FL. My right wing co-workers loved the show and talked about it much of the time.

This is totally true.

Perhaps one reason for my prejudice against right wingers?
When I lived in Tampa, FL. My right wing co-workers loved the show and talked about it much of the time.

This is totally true.

Perhaps one reason for my prejudice against right wingers?

2 and a Half Men causes you to dislike right-wingers? WTF, I don't even get that. I have watched a few episodes of it, and haven't been terribly impressed, but I don't even see how that show would appeal to right-wingers for any particular reason...