Leftist Vermin
It appears that Democrats aren't the only ones using the deceased to cheat on elections. This hilarity comes from a Republican candidate for governor of Michigan. He has been running non-stop campaign ads since the Super Bowl, portraying himself as a "quality guru" and praising his dedication to Trump and guns and his opposition to abortion, pandemic mitigation measures, CRT, etc. In Michigan candidates must have collected a certain number of signatures of registered voters in order to appear on the ballot. This guy must really be something -- he managed to raise the dead and got zombie signatures!
"Demonstrating both an apparent dearth of quality control and a strong indication of fraudulent
activity in violation of the Michigan Election Law, the Johnson Petitions include at least 66
signatures from persons apparently incapable of signing a petition—persons who are dead. Table
1 indicates the Bureau-assigned page stamp number and petition line number for each apparent
deceased person based upon the name and address appearing on the Johnson Petitions and a
public records database search using LexisNexis SmartLinx Comprehensive Person Report. In
addition, if the qualified voter file indicated that an individual appearing on one of the Johnson
Petitions was dead as of April 1, 2022, the third column of Table 1 indicates “Yes”. Obituaries also
have been located for a number of individuals whose names appear on the Johnson Petitions,
with links to those obituaries included in the fourth column of Table 1.
"Dead persons are not eligible to vote in Michigan or capable of signing nominating petitions. Each
of the signatures identified in Table 1 should be voided as part of the Board’s canvass of the
Johnson Petitions. The Board also should investigate whether the inclusion of these dead
individuals is an indication of more comprehensive fraud or violation of the Michigan Election Law
by circulators of the Johnson Petitions or others. Each signature included on the Johnson
Petitions collected by a circulator who certified that the signature of a dead person referenced in
Table 1 was signed in his or her presence is hereby challenged."
Perry the Rat is not the only (R) candidate faking signatures.
'Massive forgery scheme’ claims rock Michigan elections, governor’s race
"Demonstrating both an apparent dearth of quality control and a strong indication of fraudulent
activity in violation of the Michigan Election Law, the Johnson Petitions include at least 66
signatures from persons apparently incapable of signing a petition—persons who are dead. Table
1 indicates the Bureau-assigned page stamp number and petition line number for each apparent
deceased person based upon the name and address appearing on the Johnson Petitions and a
public records database search using LexisNexis SmartLinx Comprehensive Person Report. In
addition, if the qualified voter file indicated that an individual appearing on one of the Johnson
Petitions was dead as of April 1, 2022, the third column of Table 1 indicates “Yes”. Obituaries also
have been located for a number of individuals whose names appear on the Johnson Petitions,
with links to those obituaries included in the fourth column of Table 1.
"Dead persons are not eligible to vote in Michigan or capable of signing nominating petitions. Each
of the signatures identified in Table 1 should be voided as part of the Board’s canvass of the
Johnson Petitions. The Board also should investigate whether the inclusion of these dead
individuals is an indication of more comprehensive fraud or violation of the Michigan Election Law
by circulators of the Johnson Petitions or others. Each signature included on the Johnson
Petitions collected by a circulator who certified that the signature of a dead person referenced in
Table 1 was signed in his or her presence is hereby challenged."
Perry the Rat is not the only (R) candidate faking signatures.
'Massive forgery scheme’ claims rock Michigan elections, governor’s race