Signs of Life on Venus


Will work for Scooby snacks
Carl Sagan predicted in 1967 there may be life in the clouds of Venus

Astronomers find possible sign of life on Venus

Traces of a rare molecule known as phosphine have been found in the hellish, heavily acidic atmosphere of Venus, astronomers announced Monday — providing a tantalizing clue about the possibility of life. Phosphine molecules found on Earth are primarily a result of human industry or the actions of microbes that thrive in oxygen-free environments.

The researchers are not claiming life has been detected on the second planet from the sun. But the observations suggest at least the possibility of microbial activity in the upper layers of Venus' atmosphere, well away from the planet's inhospitable surface.

"We have detected a rare gas called phosphine in the atmosphere of our neighbor planet Venus," said Jane Greaves, a professor at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom and lead author of a report published in Nature Astronomy. "And the reason for our excitement is that phosphine gas on Earth is made by microorganisms that live in oxygen-free environments. And so there is a chance that we have detected some kind of living organism in the clouds of Venus."
Moscow Claims Venus Belongs to Russia

Except the Russian space agency chief said no such thing. Either an example of piss poor journalism, or the continuation of an 80 year trend to always assume the Russians are up to no good.

Unlike USA, Russia has always had a keen interest in Venus, and has vast experience exploring that planet. It makes sense to collaborate with Russia to learn more about Venus and investigate if there really is life in the temperate zones of the Venutian cloud cover

Russia's top space official tried to claim that the planet Venus belongs to the Kremlin

The director-general of Russian space corporation Roscosmos claimed this week that Venus is a "Russian planet."

"Resuming Venus exploration is on our agenda. We think that Venus is a Russian planet, so we shouldn't lag behind," Dmitry Rogozin told reporters on Tuesday.

Rogozin also revealed the country's plans to send its own mission to Venus, on top of an already-proposed joint venture with the United States called "Venera-D."
The top space officials comments come on the back of new research published this week, which found that Venus' clouds could be harboring microbial life.