Silent Scream


Staff member
You cannot see a Silent Scream
When looking from outside.
But you might find a glimpse of it
While peering deep in someone’s eyes.
You will not hear a Silent Scream
In noisy, crowded rooms.
But if you sat down face to face
Your heart may sense its painful tune.
You shall not feel a Silent Scream
Amidst our fast-paced world.
But if you wandered near to it
Its anxious spirit might unfurl.
We walk right past a suffering soul
And often turn away.
Not strong enough to face the grief
This world has made him pay.
For Silent Screams are not unique
To those who fight and die.
The living warrior hell survived
Is left to hold his tears inside.

–Janet Seahorn, Ph.D.

I hate it when I can't sleep, blast you, Femara!