silver lining......


fully immersed in faith..
good things can come from even a thing like the virus.....

I heard that the governor of Ohio has ordered a 20% across the board cut in all state spending.....I hope Michigan follows suit.......
good things can come from even a thing like the virus.....

I heard that the governor of Ohio has ordered a 20% across the board cut in all state spending.....I hope Michigan follows suit.......
Our governor has done a great job....He's even won the hearts of the most diehard Democrats here...It's all about the people and working together...who doesn't respect that?
He holds a press conference every day at 2PM....We always know what's going on...every governor should follow suit...
This is a wonderful time.
Do you notice the Virus is skipping over Those of the Faith?
It just goes to show that thru Prayer and Devotion, The Shield of Jesus will protect us.