Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism,_Nazism_and_liberalism

It’s easy to see how the progressive mindset could give way to socialism, and that is where we stand today. Democrats have shed their cloak of anonymity, openly supporting socialist principles such as government-run health care, free college, and even a universal basic income.

Hitler was a vegetarian. Therefore vegetarians are nazis.
You would do yourself a favor if you took the time to understand political philosophy before you posted such idiocy,_Nazism_and_liberalism

It’s easy to see how the progressive mindset could give way to socialism, and that is where we stand today. Democrats have shed their cloak of anonymity, openly supporting socialist principles such as government-run health care, free college, and even a universal basic income.

There are no similarities between those "isms" among those who understand what the terms actually mean.
That, unfortunately, excludes the wingnuts on this forum.
Most nations supply free or cheap university education because it helps the nation. An educated populace is a boon to job creation and higher-level industries. It is not an ism, but a wise policy.
Universal health care is much cheaper and it provides care for all the people. It is what all other industrial nations do. We would save mega-millions of dollars and have a healthier population. I do not see why everyone does not back those policies.
Most nations supply free or cheap university education because it helps the nation. An educated populace is a boon to job creation and higher-level industries. It is not an ism, but a wise policy.
Universal health care is much cheaper and it provides care for all the people. It is what all other industrial nations do. We would save mega-millions of dollars and have a healthier population. I do not see why everyone does not back those policies.

You sound like a commie fascist capitalist.