Similarities between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s woke culture


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Thursday marked the 151st birthday of the most successful revolutionary of all time, Vladimir Lenin.

With only a tiny cabal of followers, Lenin seized control of the world’s largest country and inaugurated a reign of darkness and terror that lasted seventy years.

There are many lessons to draw from the blood-soaked life of Lenin.

But one of the most important is this takeaway for the terrifying “woke” moment America is living through right now.

Once they had taken power, the Bolsheviks didn’t immediately launch Stalin-style mass purges.

Instead, the Bolsheviks started off in a way modern Americans would find disturbingly familiar: By legitimizing criminal anarchy and co-opting the justice system.

In their earliest days, the Bolsheviks framed their political abuses as a “war on privilege.”

In a tactic eerily reminiscent of 2020’s riots, the Bolsheviks of 1918 encouraged a decentralized campaign by the masses to plunder and crush class enemies.
Reading about the Bolshevik system, it becomes much easier to understand events in our own time.

In South Carolina, Army sergeant Jonathan Pentland has been charged with assault for shoving a black man on the sidewalk. The facts of the case overwhelmingly favor Pentland. The man he shoved had a history of harassing the women of the neighborhood, and Pentland was stepping in to stop just such a case of harassment.

But the facts of the case are nothing compared to the facts of the participants.

Pentland is white.

This makes him a second-class citizen in 2021. His every action is presumptively racist and to be punished with maximum viciousness. Not only is he facing criminal charges, but he’s under investigation by the Army and DoJ, he was condemned by his superiors, and police let a mob surround and vandalize his home.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, a far worse assault on an elderly Asian man ended in no charges at all, because the attacker was from one of the left’s more privileged races.

It’s a strategy Cheka officer Martin Latsis would understand well.
Crucially, from their oppressive beginnings, the Bolsheviks only grew more fanatical and more violent over time. The decentralized wave of mob justice and plunder gave way to a more centralized and ruthless campaign to exterminate enemies of the regime.

The press played in integral role in radicalizing the masses and justifying the Red Terror.

The Reds were initially radicalized by the sense of being under threat. But once their full depravity was unleashed, it crucially did not start to moderate simply because they were winning.

At the end of the Russian Civil War, thousands of soldiers and officers in the White Army surrendered after receiving a promise of amnesty. Once they were rounded up, all of them were shot.

The next three decades of the Soviet regime brought one round after another of purges, famines, de-kulakization, and terror.
Lenin’s Red Terror carries important lessons for America in 2021.

Every time the terror in America seems to have peaked, it gets worse.

In 2017, people lost their jobs for attending the Charlottesville march. It didn’t matter if they engaged in any violence or broke any laws. Merely being there was enough.

It didn’t stop there. It became acceptable to target people for pettier and pettier offenses: Anonymous posts online, leaked emails, decade-old articles (or decade-old tweets), attending conferences with the wrong people.

April 2021 has brought us to a new low. In Minnesota, Derek Chauvin is going to prison for using a routine policing method to subdue a man twice his size who was resisting arrest.

In Virginia, a police officer’s twenty-year career has ended in termination after he sent a $25 anonymous donation to the defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Why are there so many similarities between the Bolsheviks of old and the radical left of today? If there’s one constant in the 230 years since the French Revolution, it’s that extreme left-wing movements can’t deliver on their promises.

Unable to accept the shortcomings of their ideology, they hunt for wreckers, saboteurs, spies, and traitors, any scapegoat that can be used to avoid admitting that their policies are the root of failure.

That’s just as true of today’s left as it is of their intellectual forebears.

Despite uprooting every part of American life and spending trillions of dollars, liberalism has totally failed to abolish inequality in America.

Instead of bringing universal prosperity, liberalism has produced homeless hellscapes, catastrophic public schools, gutted neighborhoods, and fragmented families.

Finding the causes within liberalism is unthinkable.

Again and again, big-city governments, private colleges, elite newspapers, and left-wing non-profits have been convulsed by witch hunts to root out “sexism” and “systemic racism.”

Decades-old statements and stray words are sufficient proof to end a career, and sometimes not even that is needed.

Rather than accept the reality that black Americans are more likely to commit crimes than other groups, liberals have declared war on the police.
But the second reason why the left constantly escalates its terrorism is more basic: Keeping power.

Marx’s colleague Friedrich Engels wrote that “Terror is the needless cruelties perpetrated by terrified men.” The left is already inclined toward cruelty by disposition, but once frightened at the prospect of actual defeat, they go into a frenzy. For the Bolsheviks, it was the Russian Civil War. For the American left, it was the election of Donald Trump.
A key takeaway here is that Germany deliberately let Lenin return to Russia from exile to gain military advantage in WW 1. Without Imperial German intervention, Lenin would have remained in exile and the Russian revolution would have turned out far differently.

Thursday marked the 151st birthday of the most successful revolutionary of all time, Vladimir Lenin.

With only a tiny cabal of followers, Lenin seized control of the world’s largest country and inaugurated a reign of darkness and terror that lasted seventy years.

There are many lessons to draw from the blood-soaked life of Lenin.

But one of the most important is this takeaway for the terrifying “woke” moment America is living through right now.

Once they had taken power, the Bolsheviks didn’t immediately launch Stalin-style mass purges.

Instead, the Bolsheviks started off in a way modern Americans would find disturbingly familiar: By legitimizing criminal anarchy and co-opting the justice system.

In their earliest days, the Bolsheviks framed their political abuses as a “war on privilege.”

In a tactic eerily reminiscent of 2020’s riots, the Bolsheviks of 1918 encouraged a decentralized campaign by the masses to plunder and crush class enemies.

Is that all you do is cry?

A key takeaway here is that Germany deliberately let Lenin return to Russia from exile to gain military advantage in WW 1. Without Imperial German intervention, Lenin would have remained in exile and the Russian revolution would have turned out far differently.

To borrow your line from another thread, Do you support genocide? After all, Lenin murdered millions and his successor, Stalin murdered tens of millions...

I never asked that question of you or anyone else- so you didn't borrow that line from me.

I really don't think that bringing up the history of RUSSIA is of any importance to any political discussion today- regarding US politics.

I think it is silly for you to harp along that subject as well.
