Simple Answers to Simple Questions


Will work for Scooby snacks
-Is George Bush the worst President in the history of the United States?


Carter is no where as close as bad Bush II. Carter, for the most part, inherited the Nixon/Ford economy and did some bad from there (i.e., he added way to much regulation).

But, he also started a sound money policy with Volcker, though he did hold him back pre election. Also he started dereg of several industries that are very important. Poor folks can fly, thanks largely to Carter.

For now it seems to me, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, and Lincoln are in the league with GW. At least Lincoln, as bad as he was, had a goal that was very worthwhile.

But it will depend on future developments to see where GW ranks. I will put my money on it being bad.
You missed....!

Carter is no where as close as bad Bush II. Carter, for the most part, inherited the Nixon/Ford economy and did some bad from there (i.e., he added way to much regulation).

But, he also started a sound money policy with Volcker, though he did hold him back pre election. Also he started dereg of several industries that are very important. Poor folks can fly, thanks largely to Carter.

For now it seems to me, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, and Lincoln are in the league with GW. At least Lincoln, as bad as he was, had a goal that was very worthwhile.

But it will depend on future developments to see where GW ranks. I will put my money on it being bad.

Eisenhower and JFK and of course Teddy Roosevelt! long as you lumped war presidents together!
I gather you are just a anti-war protestor...and bash any strong "War President" sad!
Eisenhower and JFK and of course Teddy Roosevelt! long as you lumped war presidents together!
I gather you are just a anti-war protestor...and bash any strong "War President" sad!

I wish Rstringfield were here more often. He's got more brains in his toe jam than you could ever dream of yourself.
Whatever beefy!

I wish Rstringfield were here more often. He's got more brains in his toe jam than you could ever dream of yourself.

Am I supposed to cry now...? Or throw it back in your face? I answered a comment he was not derogitory...however you are really being obtuse now......have a nice night Mr.Hot Tub!
Am I supposed to cry now...? Or throw it back in your face? I answered a comment he was not derogitory...however you are really being obtuse now......have a nice night Mr.Hot Tub!

Being obtuse is part of my job. Enjoy!
I get to be Superman!

Which reminds me, I was reading this blog of my friends the other day, and she was talking about watching Superman, and how she was about to burst into tears, comparing her boyfriend to Superman.

After I cleaned up the puke from off of my keyboard, I immediately deleted her from my facebook.

Random thought from WM.
Which reminds me, I was reading this blog of my friends the other day, and she was talking about watching Superman, and how she was about to burst into tears, comparing her boyfriend to Superman.

After I cleaned up the puke from off of my keyboard, I immediately deleted her from my facebook.

Random thought from WM.

Thanks for that.
String, I was trying to remember who it was that put the seed in my head regarding predatory government regulation. It is unlikely we will ever be friendly, but I have to give you "props" for that idea, regardless of how it has run away from me since I've considered it.
I was forced to reconsider it recently. We are a brilliant, and clueless species. The right is on the right track, and ridiculously stupid.
Well we think we understand why stars shine. We understood the world was flat too.
Who knows what understanding the future will bring.