APP - Simply put, not everything that white people have was earned by merit.

quoted from article comments:

Obama missed a chance to sky rocket in many of his opponents mind with this NPP...he had a Clinton moment and..failed..

Had he said ,"Thank you very much, but I have done nothing to earn this, especialy 11 days on the job...please give it to the Chinese dissedents, or anyone of the people who did earn this by risking life and limb for years.."

Man oh man, Obama would have soard in my eyes...but no...

We were left with, golly, gee, gosh., I don't deserve it, the ah, American people do...but I'll keep it and give away the cash...and put the trophy in my library...

This is how one termers are self made, and deservedly so. It is going to be a rough midterm. Could be the earliest lame duck presidency in history, and may well end up a disappointing foot note in history as well.

Posted by YourJomamma at 10/10/2009 @ 1:51pm

I said the same thing.
Because Chinese dissidents are promoting peace, I guess? You're pretty disappointing dissidents if you're not going to fight a war. And Gandhi tactics aren't going to work with the Chinese.

This person has obviously a very Americanized view about peace. That peace is about killing people. I don't even think the term "peace" has any true meaning in the American language, we've been so corrupted by far-far right Democrats and Republicans, who are so far to the right they'd make Hitler blush.
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IMHO, sites shouldn't have a comments section. Proles don't deserve to have their ignorant voices heard. They need to be squashed beneath the boots of greater men.
I love how all white people can be lumped together and have generalizations made about them such as the title in this thread.

So called "white privilege" ? Love to see some examples of how EVERY WHITE PERSON BENEFITS FROM IT.

Pure (bad word) race-baiting
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No one loses the Nobel prize to someone. That's not how it's supposed to work. The nominations are not supposed to be revealed for precisely this reason.
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No one loses the Nobel prize to someone. That's not how it's supposed to work. The nominations are not supposed to be revealed for precisely this reason. The person who revealed that nomination should be fined their networth and/or imprisoned for crimes against humanity.
When did we start to care so much about the Nobel Prize, does it make you a god(dess)?
or shot by even better men.

The proles? Now don't get ahead of yourself here. Summary execution was a favorite punishment tactic in Nazi Germany, and I know it's recently risen back in popularity with the ideologically similar individuals such as yourself, but I don't want to go all the way there. Alaskan work camps for proles will work just fine.
Because Chinese dissidents are promoting peace, I guess? You're pretty disappointing dissidents if you're not going to fight a war. And Gandhi tactics aren't going to work with the Chinese.

This person has obviously a very Americanized view about peace. That peace is about killing people. I don't even think the term "peace" has any true meaning in the American language, we've been so corrupted by far-far right Democrats and Republicans, who are so far to the right they'd make Hitler blush.

Some dissidents are just standing up for free speech or freedom. Ghandi tactics will work on anyone, especially the chinese. Mass noncooperation will destroy the chi-coms.
Some dissidents are just standing up for free speech or freedom. Ghandi tactics will work on anyone, especially the chinese. Mass noncooperation will destroy the chi-coms.

I just think they'll probably be shot at, much like the South African protesters were. You can't fight an enemy that has no respect for human life through non-violence.