Since the JPP liberals are just melting down.


Since the JPP liberals are just melting down, wanting answers to rhetorical questions, and then having a hissy fit when they don't get the answers they want; this bets the following question:

Why even bother by replying to them??

It's obvious that since they can't accept their failures and that they've going to continue down this avenue, until November; so I say let the election point out their stupidity and don't fall into their agenda.

The choice is up to each of you.

as you may have noticed, I have stopped bothering to have protracting arguments, unless I just want to lob a cruise missile form time to time. They are lost and it's a waste of time. I am going to focus on winning, and then brag about winning.
Since the JPP liberals are just melting down, wanting answers to rhetorical questions, and then having a hissy fit when they don't get the answers they want; this bets the following question:

Why even bother by replying to them??

It's obvious that since they can't accept their failures and that they've going to continue down this avenue, until November; so I say let the election point out their stupidity and don't fall into their agenda.

The choice is up to each of you.

That's been working out nicely for quite a few months;):thup::D:nodyes:
as you may have noticed, I have stopped bothering to have protracting arguments, unless I just want to lob a cruise missile form time to time. They are lost and it's a waste of time. I am going to focus on winning, and then brag about winning.

Most excellent and on point. :good4u:
Since the JPP liberals are just melting down, wanting answers to rhetorical questions, and then having a hissy fit when they don't get the answers they want; this bets the following question:

Why even bother by replying to them??

It's obvious that since they can't accept their failures and that they've going to continue down this avenue, until November; so I say let the election point out their stupidity and don't fall into their agenda.

The choice is up to each of you.


poor demented goyim cracka, the new minority in America :laugh:
November is going to be awesome. :D

Yeah, I've given up trying to argue with them. They are total fucking loonies and they can steep in their own tears forever as I care now.
poor demented goyim cracka, the new minority in America :laugh:
