since when has a VP started military action ?


Villified User
see story below, it is apparently common knowledge that Cheny is the one wanting to attack Iran....


Bush's treatment of Iran irks U.S. allies
By Warren P. Strobel And Nancy A. Youssef

As President Bush escalates the United States' confrontation with Iran across a broad front, U.S. allies in Europe and the Middle East are growing worried that the steps will achieve little, but will undercut diplomacy and increase the chances of war.

In the latest step, Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are considering designating Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the elite military force that serves as the guardian of Iran's Islamic state, as a foreign terrorist organization.

News of the decision was leaked to newspapers in what a senior State Department official and Washington-based diplomats said was a sign of an intensifying internal struggle within the U.S. government between proponents of military action and opponents, led by Rice.

State Department officials and foreign diplomats see Rice's push for the declaration against the Revolutionary Guards as an effort to blunt arguments by Vice President Dick Cheney and his allies for air strikes on Iran. By making the declaration, they think, Rice can strike out at a key Iranian institution without resorting to military action while still pushing for sanctions in the United Nations.

Designating the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group "is the State Department trying to do something short of war," said former U.S. diplomat Charles Dunbar, a professor of international relations at Boston University.

"What else can we do?" said Dunbar, who worked for the State Department in Tehran from 1963 to 1967.

The Revolutionary Guard would be the first military unit of a sovereign government ever placed on the department's list of terrorist organizations.
He seems to be the main engineer of the project. If Gore had acted this way ?

We don't know what Gore did or didn't advise about dropping bombs on Kosovo or milk factories. We only know what decisions were made, by the guy with the power to make those decisions.

Whatever Cheney does or doesn't think, the decision still rests with your nightmare president.
We don't know what Gore did or didn't advise about dropping bombs on Kosovo or milk factories. We only know what decisions were made, by the guy with the power to make those decisions.

Whatever Cheney does or doesn't think, the decision still rests with your nightmare president.

Not mine, I never voted for the guy :)
Butt there are those who voted for him twice...
And I am not so sure the decision really rests with the Idiot In Charge.
Not mine, I never voted for the guy :)
Butt there are those who voted for him twice...
And I am not so sure the decision really rests with the Idiot In Charge.

Right. So Cheney or Rove are signing w/o Bush's approval? *tinfoil*
Right. So Cheney or Rove are signing w/o Bush's approval? *tinfoil*
Or Bush has to get Rove or Chenys apporval to sign ?

your guess is as good as mine. I have just never seen a vp take this active of a role in planning or implementing a war. Have you ?