Single Independent Brain Vs Socially Dependent Minds


Verified User
Doesn't mix well in any alternate reality, parallel universe, multi-dimensional space people like to believe anything else is possible daily. A brain navigates one's natural time adapting currently alive in their specific time zone of which generation they arrived in, what generation gap they are in today been the same person since a fertilized cell was conceived.

Everyone is welcome to discuss physical absolute results in plain sight and don't be worried about tomorrow if you are in a time zone noon to midnight.

Yesterday is done. AM side of the planet made sure already from the PM side.
Color me surprised that this thread really didn't take off like a rocket. I mean, it's so chock full of brilliance it's hard to find a place to start.

"A brain navigates one's natural time adapting currently alive in their specific time zone of which generation they arrive in..." HOW MANY VERBS CAN YOU PUT IN A SENTENCE?????

When you do this kind of thing, maybe you should throw in a period occasionally. You know, break up the giant run-on sentences that show exactly what you are doing here.

And if I can ask ONE MAJOR FAVOR: Please tell me why this sort of posting entertains you so? I mean, I get it, it's fun to play with markov chains. I've done it myself. Love doing it. The only problem is you suck so badly at it.

If you are a bot then you are poorly prorgrammed. If you are a person you are clearly suffering some brain injury.