Single-Payer Government Run Healthcare


Well-known member
This comment from an editorial in today's Times by a left-leaning writer, Ronald Brownstein,

"""For all the passion it evokes, the single-payer idea remains at the fringe of political viability. Though the cause energizes the left, the idea of the federal government completely replacing the private health insurance industry is so far outside the American experience that even the vast majority of health reform advocates consider it politically dead on arrival for the foreseeable future."""

I don't often agree with Brownstein but I think he's on the money with this comment.,0,3366741.column?coll=la-opinion-rightrail
I won't let some working class whore take my money for some sniveling little ear infection. Let the little brat rot, it'll teach them a lesson.
This comment from an editorial in today's Times by a left-leaning writer, Ronald Brownstein,

"""For all the passion it evokes, the single-payer idea remains at the fringe of political viability. Though the cause energizes the left, the idea of the federal government completely replacing the private health insurance industry is so far outside the American experience that even the vast majority of health reform advocates consider it politically dead on arrival for the foreseeable future."""

I don't often agree with Brownstein but I think he's on the money with this comment.,0,3366741.column?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

Do you think it has anything to do with the billions of dollars at stake for the health care industry, their lobbyists, and all of the campaign contributions they make to our politicians, known to them as "my ho". As in "get my ho on the phone in DC, cause I don't like something I just read"

I wonder...
Do you think it has anything to do with the billions of dollars at stake for the health care industry, their lobbyists, and all of the campaign contributions they make to our politicians, known to them as "my ho". As in "get my ho on the phone in DC, cause I don't like something I just read"

I wonder...

Do you think granting these same companies an ironclad monopoly on healthcare will be good for americans?
This comment from an editorial in today's Times by a left-leaning writer, Ronald Brownstein,

"""For all the passion it evokes, the single-payer idea remains at the fringe of political viability. Though the cause energizes the left, the idea of the federal government completely replacing the private health insurance industry is so far outside the American experience that even the vast majority of health reform advocates consider it politically dead on arrival for the foreseeable future."""

I don't often agree with Brownstein but I think he's on the money with this comment.,0,3366741.column?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

We already have a single payer system that functions well, and with extremely frugal and low adminstrative costs relative to private insurance:


It's essentially universal, single payer healthcare for every american over the age of 65.
Do you think granting these same companies an ironclad monopoly on healthcare will be good for americans?
This is a valid point though. If we do not first fix the cost basis of healthcare we are simply overpaying for everybody, it doesn't resolve the issue it just hides the true cost.
This is a valid point though. If we do not first fix the cost basis of healthcare we are simply overpaying for everybody, it doesn't resolve the issue it just hides the true cost.

Turning it over to government will only solidify whatever monopolies and dirty dealings are in place now. There is no benefit to nationalizing healthcare, besides perpetuating the notion that government just has things to give, and that's not really a benefit.