Single Topic News Conspiracy


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Print press and electronic media were always guilty of lying by omission. The coronavirus liars jumped on an opportunity to formulate a new weapon to use against private sector Americans:

Bury news under a non-stop, wall-to-wall, single topic; i.e., overpower with sheer numbers those stories that unintentionally inform the public about government doings.

There is only way to insure the benefits the government (The Democrat Party) relies upon. Stop talking about everything except a single safe topic; hence, everything ‘reported’ has to have a connection to the coronavirus scare tactic.

NOTE: Every network reports coronavirus stories all day every day. Entire one hour shows are devoted to the coronavirus scam. Those shows are hosted by the biggest names in television.

Everyone except the Parasite Class soon tired of the coronavirus lies. Splicing a minute or two non-coronavirus reports in-between scare tactic reports go unnoticed by non-parasite Americans who still watch television news. That is exactly what the liars were after. A single topic accomplishes lying by omission more efficaciously than lying by omission was practiced since Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400 – February 3, 1468). That comes to 600 years of institutional lying by omission in case your math skills are weak.

Basically, government liars had to do something about freedom of speech on social media. It served no purpose to blackout stories the public has no business learning about when social media craps on television’s wall of silence. It is social media that forced MSM liars to find a way to continue reaping the benefits lying by omission always provided. Single Topic News is a conspiracy media liars are engaging in to solve their problem.

Check news sites on social media and you will see that coronavirus stories on every site is being blanketed by Big Tech. I believe the ratio is about 8 to 1 in favor of the scam. I doubt if more than a few people read them. Happily, some good stuff is coming thru —— and read —— on the Net. Nothing of value comes thru television’s screen.

Finally, will the more than one hundred BILLION tax dollars the cowardly lion signed to appease Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi be withheld if the conspiracy is completely uncovered before the money is distributed? ANSWER: Not a chance. No tax ever goes away; least of all a tax that enriches and empowers the Parasite Class. In fact, the coronavirus tax will increase in every budget the same way every other welfare state entitlement tax increases —— IN BIPARTISAN BUDGET BILLS.

p.s. It will not be long before general welfare grants every successful parasite scam untouchable entitlement status in every budget bill:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, has stated in the past that a mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance would be an “unprecedented form of federal action,” and that the “government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009
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Finally, will the more than one hundred BILLION tax dollars the cowardly lion signed to appease Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi be withheld if the conspiracy is completely uncovered before the money is distributed?


Hell no.

In fact, the coronavirus tax will increase in every budget the same way every other welfare state entitlement tax increases —— IN BIPARTISAN BUDGET BILLS.

The filthy Republican scum in the Senate are increasing the scam payoff to 1,000,000,000,000 tax dollars:

Senate Democrats and Republicans say they are eager to pass a third coronavirus economic stimulus bill in a rushed fashion, despite some substantive policy disagreements.

"I tasked a bipartisan team to reach an agreement by the end of the day today," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday morning.

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a $1 trillion stimulus plan to combat the economic damage caused by the effort to control the coronavirus.

It matters not which parasites get the money. The Parasite Class across the board is getting more tax dollars from a scam they never dreamed would spit out money like a Treasury Department printing press run amok:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer pushed back against the Republican plan, saying it didn't go far enough and didn't prioritize the right people.

McConnell aims for agreement with Democrats on massive stimulus bill by Friday night
by Nihal Krishan
March 20, 2020 12:07 PM

Frankly, I see no difference between Democrat and Republican parasites.

p.s. It will not be long before general welfare grants every successful parasite scam untouchable entitlement status in every budget bill:

Lo and behold! The new definition of the word “science” will prove more effective than Steny Hoyer’s definition of general welfare. Both definitions have been stilted to tell Americans how to behave and to forget about their constitutional Rights.

If I had to decide which definition is the more deadly to a free people in the long run, I would give “science” the edge over general welfare —— mainly because “science” does not run afoul of the Constitution as does Hoyer’s definition of the general welfare.

Springtime for Central Planners!
Exclusive: Curtis Ellis on how Joe Biden and his ilk hope to use State dictates ... forever
By Curtis Ellis
Published April 17, 2020 at 7:27pm

The pandemic has proven to be a windfall for central planners here at home.

While thousands of businesses under government-ordered shutdown face bankruptcy and tens of millions of Americans queue up on breadlines, technocrats are working overtime with their "scientific" computer models.

"Science" is a favored buzzword of central planners going back to Friedrich Engels who coined the term "scientific socialism" to describe the economic system theorized by his buddy Karl Marx.

Nowadays, "science" has a place in the vocabulary as a surefire way to shut down debate. Just as "the algorithm did it!" immunizes Twitter and Facebook from charges of censorship, government officials sprinkle the word "science" to give their pronouncements the aura of infallibility.

Public health officials invoke "Science!" to justify policies affecting literally every aspect of American life. "Science!" demands elected officials rubber-stamp these policies and demands we the people accept them without question or be accused of complicity in mass murder. After all, who are we to question "science"?

A number of hidden assumptions have been smuggled into the national discourse under the cover of infallible science (an oxymoron if you truly understand the scientific method).

After closing your neighborhood businesses and ordering you to stay at home, Democrats now tell us they are planning to "open the economy" and build a bridge to "the new normal."

Toss that word salad and you'll find out what's really going on – the Democrats' new normal is the same as their old normal: a government-planned economy.

Hidden in the approved pandemic response and post-pandemic recovery narrative is the assumption the government has full power to plan the U.S. economy, complete with a central planning committee made of big business titans and federal bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci appearing in the role of Nurse Ratched.

These planners now have the power to decide if you are essential, that is, you deserve to earn a living.

In the new normal, government planners tell us which businesses are non-essential. In the old normal, Americans would decide for themselves which businesses are non-essential: we'd stop buying from them and they'd go belly up.

These newly empowered planners will not only decide what's essential, how many people can sit at a bar, go to a ballgame, how many tables a restaurant can have or how many chairs are allowed in a barbershop. They will regulate where you can go, what you can eat, what you can buy and who to hire at your business, if you dare to have one.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, fickle Democrats' latest heartthrob, let the cat out of the bag at one of his daily consciousness-raising sessions, saying, "We've been talking about the new normal for years. We're going to have a new normal in public health. By the way, the way we have a new normal on the environment, a new normal in economics, a new normal in civil rights, a new normal in social justice."

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is all on board with using "pandemic recovery" to crowbar in the left's social justice/public health/environmental/central economic planning goals.

"Think of every great – every great change that's taken place that's come out of a crisis," Biden told CNN.

Biden supports more government control of health care even after the dramatic failure of government-run health care we witnessed in New York and Communist China.

The pandemic also presents "an opportunity" to "fundamentally change the science relating to global warming." In the name of "science" – that word again – Biden would cut back American energy production and deindustrialize America.

Biden promises to use the "crisis" to mandate a $15 minimum wage.

And it doesn't stop there.

Joe positively drools at the chance to "significantly change the mindset of the American people." By golly, he'll use the new powers of his post-pandemic government to eliminate "systemic racism" in America!

If the coronavirus doesn't give you chills, that should.

Cheer up, America! As the month of May approaches you may be locked in your homes and out of work, but remember, it's Springtime for Central Planners!