Sinipes is the MAN!

# Actor convicted of failing to file tax returns
# Snipes could be sentenced to as much as three years in prison

Three years is more than far.....and paying the taxes owed....
# Actor convicted of failing to file tax returns
# Snipes could be sentenced to as much as three years in prison

Three years is more than far.....and paying the taxes owed....

He won't get three years and I'm willing to lay some paper on that.
Governments are inevitable people want and need them. Well most do anyway.
You would too if there was none.
Kinda like most people needing religion, I figure it is the same mental urge.
Hero worship, etc...
Governments are inevitable people want and need them. Well most do anyway.
You would too if there was none.
Kinda like most people needing religion, I figure it is the same mental urge.
Hero worship, etc...

You probably didn't see the sarcasm in the statement. QWERTYUIOP
Most all young people want to abolish the elderly programs. They have not yet figured out they will not have good health forever.
I'm sure you're fine with abolishing medicaid/medicare/social security, however, it makes most other people a bit queezy to have to pay for the dead body sweepers instead.

Yes. I wish for more death.

Look up Stalin to see how many deaths social programs cause and look up Ghandi to see what libertarianism is about.
