Sink The Garbage


Verified User

Stop talking about the manmade climate change hoax because nothing can be done about it. Mother Nature —— not the Parasite Class —— controls the climate:

G20 host Japan hopes world leaders will endorse a deal on marine plastic waste and find common ground on climate change, but its own environmental record is under increasing scrutiny.

Activists say Japan has fallen behind on reducing plastic consumption and is caving to US pressure to water down language on climate change to achieve a unanimous statement on the issue.

Japan welcomes G20 leaders for summit centred on climate change
Date created : 27/06/2019 - 06:30Latest update : 27/06/2019 - 06:46

Something can be done about manmade plastic. Simply recycle plastic and use it to build huge barges, Fill the barges with garbage and sink them in deep water at least fifty miles offshore.

The hull would have to be made of 2 inch thick plastic. An inner container would have 1/8[SUP]th[/SUP] inch holes all over its sides and bottom. A hatch cover that can be firmly be installed would also have 1/8[SUP]th[/SUP] inch holes so the the air can escape as the barge sinks. Presto. Two problems are solved. Getting rid of garbage along with finding a use for unwanted plastic.

Any competent engineer could design those barges in his spare time.

Confining large quantities of garbage in minute areas on the ocean’s sea bottom does no harm. Mainly, only the tiniest of creatures can get at the garbage in the barges. Hell, the holes can even be reduced to pin holes.

Cleaning up the oceans has long been the dream of marine tax dollar parasites. The hucksters are conning the troops with “Save the Oceans” crapola. In truth, they are really after getting paid for their opinion of beauty:

aesthetic or esthetic (adjective)

1. concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. "the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure" giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty; of pleasing appearance.

synonyms: decorative, ornamental, graceful, elegant, exquisite, beautiful, attractive, pleasing, lovely, stylish, artistic, tasteful, in good taste

esthetic (noun)

1.a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. "the Cubist aesthetic"

Finally, add up all of the miles in every shoreline, harbor, and river. Then identify all of the areas containing plastic, cans, glass, etc. The comparison will show that so-called polluted areas are infinitesimal, but they are enough to give thousands of environmental parasites tax dollar incomes.

The joke is that oceans are salinating faster than all of the plastic, cans, and bottles can pollute. Salinization can be bigger than solar and wind energy scams. After the parasites make billions collecting all of the underwater manmade materials they will demand tax dollars to desalinate the oceans, and just for good measure they will install giant ice makers to save the penguins.
Philippines trash war: 69 containers of ‘unique material’ arrive back in Canada (VIDEOS)
Published time: 29 Jun, 2019 23:24 Edited time: 30 Jun, 2019 05:31



"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come."

Something can be done about manmade plastic. Simply recycle plastic and use it to build huge barges, Fill the barges with garbage and sink them in deep water at least fifty miles offshore.
Finally, add up all of the miles in every shoreline, harbor, and river. Then identify all of the areas containing plastic, cans, glass, etc. The comparison will show that so-called polluted areas are infinitesimal, but they are enough to give thousands of environmental parasites tax dollar incomes.

Jeez, wackos have been predicting doom for decades.

AOC was the undisputed champ of the crazies:

Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that AOC is being challenged:

Meanwhile the stench of dead fish is coming from the United Nations, where activist posers Ghislaine Maxwell and Scott Borgerson used the cause of ‘Saving the Environment’ to save themselves from being caught up in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

‘Save the Fish!’ Accused Epstein Madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s Bogus U. N. Sideline
By Judi McLeod
July 16, 2020
Jeez, wackos have been predicting doom for decades.

AOC was the undisputed champ of the crazies:

Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that AOC is being challenged:

Meanwhile the stench of dead fish is coming from the United Nations, where activist posers Ghislaine Maxwell and Scott Borgerson used the cause of ‘Saving the Environment’ to save themselves from being caught up in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

‘Save the Fish!’ Accused Epstein Madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s Bogus U. N. Sideline
By Judi McLeod
July 16, 2020

ANOTHER fine post, Flanders. Thank you.

Stop talking about the manmade climate change hoax because nothing can be done about it. Mother Nature —— not the Parasite Class —— controls the climate:

G20 host Japan hopes world leaders will endorse a deal on marine plastic waste and find common ground on climate change, but its own environmental record is under increasing scrutiny.

Activists say Japan has fallen behind on reducing plastic consumption and is caving to US pressure to water down language on climate change to achieve a unanimous statement on the issue.

Japan welcomes G20 leaders for summit centred on climate change
Date created : 27/06/2019 - 06:30Latest update : 27/06/2019 - 06:46

Something can be done about manmade plastic. Simply recycle plastic and use it to build huge barges, Fill the barges with garbage and sink them in deep water at least fifty miles offshore.

The hull would have to be made of 2 inch thick plastic. An inner container would have 1/8[SUP]th[/SUP] inch holes all over its sides and bottom. A hatch cover that can be firmly be installed would also have 1/8[SUP]th[/SUP] inch holes so the the air can escape as the barge sinks. Presto. Two problems are solved. Getting rid of garbage along with finding a use for unwanted plastic.

Any competent engineer could design those barges in his spare time.

Confining large quantities of garbage in minute areas on the ocean’s sea bottom does no harm. Mainly, only the tiniest of creatures can get at the garbage in the barges. Hell, the holes can even be reduced to pin holes.

Cleaning up the oceans has long been the dream of marine tax dollar parasites. The hucksters are conning the troops with “Save the Oceans” crapola. In truth, they are really after getting paid for their opinion of beauty:

aesthetic or esthetic (adjective)

1. concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. "the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure" giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty; of pleasing appearance.

synonyms: decorative, ornamental, graceful, elegant, exquisite, beautiful, attractive, pleasing, lovely, stylish, artistic, tasteful, in good taste

esthetic (noun)

1.a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement. "the Cubist aesthetic"

Finally, add up all of the miles in every shoreline, harbor, and river. Then identify all of the areas containing plastic, cans, glass, etc. The comparison will show that so-called polluted areas are infinitesimal, but they are enough to give thousands of environmental parasites tax dollar incomes.

The joke is that oceans are salinating faster than all of the plastic, cans, and bottles can pollute. Salinization can be bigger than solar and wind energy scams. After the parasites make billions collecting all of the underwater manmade materials they will demand tax dollars to desalinate the oceans, and just for good measure they will install giant ice makers to save the penguins.

Great thread idea, Flanders. Nicely done.
This is a paper bag.


Recycling began in New York City as a voluntary program in 1986. In July 1989,
with the passage of Local Law 19, recycling became mandatory. Collection of
required materials was phased in, district by district.

Plastic bags were invented to save the planet, according to the son of Swedish
engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin who created them in 1959. The bags were developed
as an alternative to paper bags, which were considered bad for the environment
because they resulted in forests being chopped down.

Bag Waste Reduction Law: Information for Manufacturers and Retailers - Frequently
asked questions about the Plastic Bag Ban (Article 27, Title 28 New York State Bag
Waste Reduction Act). The law takes effect March 1, 2020 and prohibits the distribution
of plastic carryout bags by certain retailers in New York state.

1965 I never paid for TV UNTIL THE 90'S
Manhattan has had cable television service since 1965, when it was introduced as an
experiment to get around television interference caused by tall buildings. Cable service
was delayed in the other boroughs by a combination of litigation, lack of interest by
the cable industry and financing problems.

What happens if you don't pay your water bill NYC?
All overdue water and sewer charges are considered a lien against your property.
Under new legislation passed January 27, 2017, the City has the authority to sell
this lien to a third party, or lienholder, in a process called a lien sale.

1965 I never paid for TV UNTIL THE 90'S
Manhattan has had cable television service since 1965, when it was introduced as an
experiment to get around television interference caused by tall buildings. Cable service
was delayed in the other boroughs by a combination of litigation, lack of interest by
the cable industry and financing problems.

To ParachuteAdams: Thank you for citing garbage in a thread about garbage.

The Golden Age of Television is not a reference to programming. It refers to that time before the remote control device was invented. Back then the viewers watched, and listened to, the commercials the way God intended they should. The government still got its message out in program content and brief news broadcasts. It was a perfect world for one and all until the remote control became part of the furniture in every household with a TV.

Next came the VCR.

The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was losing ground and something had to be done; hence, the Fairness Doctrine stopped the bleeding until President Reagan abolished it 1986. That was followed by the Internet.

The government fought back when analogue was replaced with digital transmission. The result was creating hundreds of advertising platforms akin to a newspaper adding a hundred pages of advertising for every paragraph of news. I say paragraph because that is all you will find in the NY Times, the WaPo et al.

In short: The airwaves belong to the advertising industry. The cat was out of the bag when the government all but did away with analog television transmissions. Americans who supposedly “owned” the airwaves did not get a vote when hundreds of new advertising platforms were created by digital transmissions.

The worst part was that digital increased the number of parasites taking down huge tax dollar salaries on cable networks. Those salaries are paid by the advertising tax deduction which is passed onto every American whether or not they own a TV.

Having said the above I never expected to see this happen in my lifetime:

For the first time satellite and cable TV providers lost more than a million subscribers from July through September this year. To be exact, they lost 1.1 million customers. Which is a lot of monthly fees gone poof!

Worst quarter ever for cable/Satellite TV providers
Andrew Malcolm
Posted at 10:01 am on November 20, 2018

I cannot swear the way President Trump dealt with Jim Acosta was a contributing factor. Cancelling subscriptions was in the hopper long before Trump slapped Acosta upside the head.

Regardless of the reason cable is losing subscribers, and dollars, I like to think Americans are slowly —— very slowly —— coming to the truth about what television did this country. (The Parasite Class will always be TV’s biggest supporters.)

A heavenly chorus is in rehearsal for the day the advertising tax deduction is eliminated.

According to Disney’s recently released annual report, sports network ESPN has lost 2 million domestic subscribers over the course of 2018.

Disney’s report revealed that the company’s sports network, ESPN, currently has 86 million subscribers. This is down two million from the 88 million subscribers to the sports commentary and news station in 2017.

ESPN wasn’t the only Disney-owned network to lose subscribers this year: The Disney Channel went from 92 million subscribers in 2017 to 89 million subscribers in 2018, while Freeform fell by two million subscribers to 90 million, and Disney Junior and Disney XD both lost approximately three million subscribers.

ESPN Loses 2 Million Subscribers This Year
22 Nov 2018

The beauty in TV’s shrinking audience is that TV programming is not the automobile industry coming out with new models and colors every year. TV is stuck with the same shit it was spewing all over the country from day one. Nor does TV have a secondary industry like used cars, nor does TV programs have a lucrative repair industry. TV does have reruns, but that is the same shit broadcasted ad infinitum.

Best of all, when economic reality kicks a number of parasites have to hit the bricks with every reduction in the number of subscribers. So far, the projected number is miniscule, but the day must come when the dam breaks flooding the country with unemployable parasites.

NOTE: Ninety percent of Third World households do not own a television. That is the last untapped market television parasites have after TV tanks in First World countries.

The only way to rein in offensive words and pictures on television is to eliminate the tax deduction for advertising. That is not going to happen in the near future because product and service advertising pays for every minute of political propaganda filth.

I doubt if there is a way to eliminate tax dollar political propaganda without triggering the anger of product and service advertisers. As far as I am concerned to hell with them. They always knew that their tax deductions paid for every bit of the garbage television spewed on this country from the beginning. So I repeat: To hell with them.

No one (except me) is calling for the elimination of political propaganda. Indeed, television news is out-and-out political propaganda, while the content in entertainment shows is drowning in liberalism.

Advertising on the Internet is also a tax deduction. On the plus side, the government and TV propagandists have been burning the midnight oil for at least two decades trying to come up with a way to censor free speech on the Internet without damaging television’s revenues.

On the plus side, eliminating tax deductible advertising in order to cure Internet television’s disease the industry will die the death of a thousand cuts while freedom of speech on the Internet grows stronger.

Parenthetically, motion picture industry tax subsides are kissin’ cousins of tax dollar funded political advertising, while subsidies deserve a thread of their own. Note that f–king & sucking (hardcore pornography) are the only movies that do not need government subsidies for survival.

See number 3 permalink in this thread for a bit more:
Report a leak.

That's when they decided to put a meter on the water.
There was a bad one in the 80's. If you tried to sell me
a bottle of water in the 80's. I thought you were crazy.

In the 1970s, just 350 million gallons of bottled water were
being sold in the United States—about a gallon and a half
per person per year. Much of that came in the big five-gallon
jugs used in office water coolers; the rest made up a niche
market of mineral waters bottled from natural springs.

Drought in New York

The U.S. Drought Monitor started in 2000. Since 2000,
the longest duration of drought (D1-D4) in New York
lasted 47 weeks beginning on July 24, 2001 and ending
on June 11, 2002. The most intense period of drought
occurred the week of September 6, 2016 where D3
affected 9.94% of New York land.
To ParachuteAdams: Thank you for citing garbage in a thread about garbage.

The Golden Age of Television is not a reference to programming. It refers to that time before the remote control device was invented. Back then the viewers watched, and listened to, the commercials the way God intended they should. The government still got its message out in program content and brief news broadcasts. It was a perfect world for one and all until the remote control became part of the furniture in every household with a TV.

Next came the VCR.

The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was losing ground and something had to be done; hence, the Fairness Doctrine stopped the bleeding until President Reagan abolished it 1986. That was followed by the Internet.

The government fought back when analogue was replaced with digital transmission. The result was creating hundreds of advertising platforms akin to a newspaper adding a hundred pages of advertising for every paragraph of news. I say paragraph because that is all you will find in the NY Times, the WaPo et al.

In short: The airwaves belong to the advertising industry. The cat was out of the bag when the government all but did away with analog television transmissions. Americans who supposedly “owned” the airwaves did not get a vote when hundreds of new advertising platforms were created by digital transmissions.

The worst part was that digital increased the number of parasites taking down huge tax dollar salaries on cable networks. Those salaries are paid by the advertising tax deduction which is passed onto every American whether or not they own a TV.

Having said the above I never expected to see this happen in my lifetime:

For the first time satellite and cable TV providers lost more than a million subscribers from July through September this year. To be exact, they lost 1.1 million customers. Which is a lot of monthly fees gone poof!

Worst quarter ever for cable/Satellite TV providers
Andrew Malcolm
Posted at 10:01 am on November 20, 2018

I cannot swear the way President Trump dealt with Jim Acosta was a contributing factor. Cancelling subscriptions was in the hopper long before Trump slapped Acosta upside the head.

Regardless of the reason cable is losing subscribers, and dollars, I like to think Americans are slowly —— very slowly —— coming to the truth about what television did this country. (The Parasite Class will always be TV’s biggest supporters.)

A heavenly chorus is in rehearsal for the day the advertising tax deduction is eliminated.

According to Disney’s recently released annual report, sports network ESPN has lost 2 million domestic subscribers over the course of 2018.

Disney’s report revealed that the company’s sports network, ESPN, currently has 86 million subscribers. This is down two million from the 88 million subscribers to the sports commentary and news station in 2017.

ESPN wasn’t the only Disney-owned network to lose subscribers this year: The Disney Channel went from 92 million subscribers in 2017 to 89 million subscribers in 2018, while Freeform fell by two million subscribers to 90 million, and Disney Junior and Disney XD both lost approximately three million subscribers.

ESPN Loses 2 Million Subscribers This Year
22 Nov 2018

The beauty in TV’s shrinking audience is that TV programming is not the automobile industry coming out with new models and colors every year. TV is stuck with the same shit it was spewing all over the country from day one. Nor does TV have a secondary industry like used cars, nor does TV programs have a lucrative repair industry. TV does have reruns, but that is the same shit broadcasted ad infinitum.

Best of all, when economic reality kicks a number of parasites have to hit the bricks with every reduction in the number of subscribers. So far, the projected number is miniscule, but the day must come when the dam breaks flooding the country with unemployable parasites.

NOTE: Ninety percent of Third World households do not own a television. That is the last untapped market television parasites have after TV tanks in First World countries.

The only way to rein in offensive words and pictures on television is to eliminate the tax deduction for advertising. That is not going to happen in the near future because product and service advertising pays for every minute of political propaganda filth.

I doubt if there is a way to eliminate tax dollar political propaganda without triggering the anger of product and service advertisers. As far as I am concerned to hell with them. They always knew that their tax deductions paid for every bit of the garbage television spewed on this country from the beginning. So I repeat: To hell with them.

No one (except me) is calling for the elimination of political propaganda. Indeed, television news is out-and-out political propaganda, while the content in entertainment shows is drowning in liberalism.

Advertising on the Internet is also a tax deduction. On the plus side, the government and TV propagandists have been burning the midnight oil for at least two decades trying to come up with a way to censor free speech on the Internet without damaging television’s revenues.

On the plus side, eliminating tax deductible advertising in order to cure Internet television’s disease the industry will die the death of a thousand cuts while freedom of speech on the Internet grows stronger.

Parenthetically, motion picture industry tax subsides are kissin’ cousins of tax dollar funded political advertising, while subsidies deserve a thread of their own. Note that f–king & sucking (hardcore pornography) are the only movies that do not need government subsidies for survival.

See number 3 permalink in this thread for a bit more:

Another fine post, Flanders. Thank you.

John Nolte’s article is well-intentioned, but television programs was always government propaganda where the worst people in society gorged themselves on tax deducible advertising dollars.

Nolte knocking today’s so-called entertainment programing misses the point —— entertainment television was always big government garbage just as destructive as news programs are —— worse in many cases because more people watch entertainment shows than they watch the news.

Mr. Nolte calling 1999 – 2009 the golden era of TV is not only inexcusable it is dead wrong:

And the thing is, as I rewatch the shows birthed during that legitimate Golden Era of TV (1999 – 2009), one thing that always flies through my mind is how different they would be if produced today.

Nolte: How Woke Killed the Golden Age of Television
by John Nolte
11 Jan 2021

The Golden Age of Television is not a reference to programming. It refers to that time before the remote control device was invented. Back then the viewers watched, and listened to, the commercials the way God intended they should. The government still got its message out in program content and brief news broadcasts. It was a perfect world for one and all until the remote control became part of the furniture in every household with a TV.

Next came the VCR.

The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) was losing ground and something had to be done; hence, the Fairness Doctrine stopped the bleeding until President Reagan abolished it 1986. That was followed by the Internet.

NOTE: Writers write dirty little Passion plays, and actors recite the dialogue. Irrespective of the religion, it was the same in Nazi Germany, in the Soviet Union, in today’s China, in North Korea, etc. They do it for the money.

Their paymasters do it to save souls, or save the world, whichever gives them the most control. They are clerics of every stripe—— clergyperson, clerical, clerk, deacon, divine, dominie, ecclesiastic, minister, preacher, priest, reverend churchman, clergyman, father, Holy Joe [slang], padre clergywoman, deaconess, priestess abbot, archbishop, archpriest, bishop, dean, diocesan, monsignor, pope, prelate, presbyter abbé, curate, curé, parson, pastor, rector, shepherd, vicar chaplain, confessor, sky pilot evangelist, missionary, missioner, missionizer, revivalist friar, mendicant, monastic, monk, oblate, religious high priest, high priestess.

p.s. Analyzing the garbage is the only reason an adult should watch television.