Six reasons why the government is destroying the dollar


Kind of a sobering article:

"The United States government has six interrelated motivations for destroying the value of the dollar:
Creating money out of thin air on a massive basis is all that stands between the current state of hidden depression, and overt depression with unemployment levels potentially rivaling those seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s.

It is the most effective way to not just pay down current crushing debt levels using devalued dollars, but also to deal with the rapidly approaching massive generational crisis of paying for Boomer retirement promises.

It creates a lucratively profitable $500 billion a year hidden tax for the benefit of the US government — a tax which is not understood by voters or debated in elections.

It creates a second and quite different form of hidden taxation by way of generating artificial market highs, which while non-existent in inflation-adjusted terms, do create artificial investment profits that are fully taxable and highly profitable for the US government.

It is the weapon of choice being used to wage currency war and reboot US economic growth; and

It is an essential component of political survival and enhanced power for incumbent politicians."
There is no sigifigant inflation present in any sort of rational metric in use. In fact, the US has been experiencing an ahistoric lack of inflation, we should be scaremongering about deflation for God's sake, but you lunatics have been forecasting hyperinflation non-stop for the past SIX FUCKING YEARS, utterly undetterred by the fact that IT KEEPS NOT HAPPENING. Just give the fuck up, Jesus fucking Christ.
There is no sigifigant inflation present in any sort of rational metric in use. In fact, the US has been experiencing an ahistoric lack of inflation, we should be scaremongering about deflation for God's sake, but you lunatics have been forecasting hyperinflation non-stop for the past SIX FUCKING YEARS, utterly undetterred by the fact that IT KEEPS NOT HAPPENING. Just give the fuck up, Jesus fucking Christ.
Link up some sources, stooge. I want to compare your bullshit with my source. Surely you don't think we're stupid enough to just take your word for it.