Six-Year-Old's Ears Save Him From Death Fall

Why was I expecting a picture of the Prince of Wales?
There was a family in front of us at church the other day and the two kids had ears that looked just like donkey ears. Those poor kids, about 6 or 7 years old, must be teased relentlessly at school. :palm:
There was a family in front of us at church the other day and the two kids had ears that looked just like donkey ears. Those poor kids, about 6 or 7 years old, must be teased relentlessly at school. :palm:

can you just copy and paste something from the article? i don't like clicking on links everytime someone posts something
can you just copy and paste something from the article? i don't like clicking on links everytime someone posts something

Oh OK, just for you!

Six-Year-Old's Ears Save Him From Death Fall

Yesterday, 09:43 am

© Sky News 2010

A six-year-old Chinese boy cheated death when he fell out of the window of a tall building only to catch his ears in a metal grate.


Ming Ming was left dangling eight floors above a city street with his head stuck between the protective bars.
The youngster screamed and bawled until he caught the attention of passers-by in Yinchang, Hubei Province.
As a crowd gathered, horrified neighbours could do nothing to help until emergency services arrived.
Firemen used a hydraulic pressurised expander to force open the bars and pull the terrified child to safety.
The accident is believed to have happened after his grandfather went out on an errand and left him sleeping in the family flat.
The boy woke up alone and is thought to have fallen out of the window while looking for his grandfather.
Fire service spokesman Wang Shen described the escape as miraculous.
"He could have fallen to the ground - or have been suffocated - at any minute," he said.
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