Sixty years ago today...


1960s Chick Magnet
60 years ago today was a Friday and I was a seventeen year old high school senior.

I had a salami and provolone sub and a large coffee for lunch
which I bought at a sub shop about a block away from my high school
during lunch period.
[It was a good sandwich, but the coffee wasn't great.]

The nice Italian Catholic girl behind the counter
reminded me that it was Friday as if I gave a shit.
I guess she wanted me to buy a cold tuna salad sub or pizza instead.

Later on, walking home
[it wasn't cold and rainy like today, and I was skipping the gym after that sandwich],
somebody mentioned that the President was shot.

He [the President] was from our home town, more or less.
He was a mick, not Italian, but at least he was a Democrat.

That's probably why I remember the other stuff.
60 years ago today was a Friday and I was a seventeen year old high school senior.

I had a salami and provolone sub and a large coffee for lunch
which I bought at a sub shop about a block away from my high school
during lunch period.
[It was a good sandwich, but the coffee wasn't great.]

The nice Italian Catholic girl behind the counter
reminded me that it was Friday as if I gave a shit.
I guess she wanted me to buy a cold tuna salad sub or pizza instead.

Later on, walking home
[it wasn't cold and rainy like today, and I was skipping the gym after that sandwich],
somebody mentioned that the President was shot.

He [the President] was from our home town, more or less.
He was a mick, not Italian, but at least he was a Democrat.

That's probably why I remember the other stuff.

Yeah a lower taxes Democrat. No wonder you wing nuts killed him.
60 years ago today was a Friday and I was a seventeen year old high school senior.

I had a salami and provolone sub and a large coffee for lunch
which I bought at a sub shop about a block away from my high school
during lunch period.
[It was a good sandwich, but the coffee wasn't great.]

The nice Italian Catholic girl behind the counter
reminded me that it was Friday as if I gave a shit.
I guess she wanted me to buy a cold tuna salad sub or pizza instead.

Later on, walking home
[it wasn't cold and rainy like today, and I was skipping the gym after that sandwich],
somebody mentioned that the President was shot.

He [the President] was from our home town, more or less.
He was a mick, not Italian, but at least he was a Democrat.

That's probably why I remember the other stuff.
That was a terrible terrible day... the late president and I share a birthday and I have a card from him.... that was so cool to take to school and share.... I was positive if he sent it personally....