Slave Labor in China Is Being Protected by US Government and Business Interests: Nadi


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Slave Labor in China Is Being Protected by US Government and Business Interests: Nadine Maenza


Slave labor is being used on a large scale globally, including by many companies right here in the United States. An example is the garment industry which is using slave-picked cotton from China. Now some of these goods have been banned in the United States, but as the Chinese government continues its use of these practices, different companies out of business interest, different investment firms that have financial interest, and different government officials out of personal interest are trying to block this from happening. But the issue of human rights abuse and slave labor in China is coming to the forefront yet again with the Winter Olympics currently being held in Beijing. At the forefront of this battle to get slavery banned in China, and to expose these different human rights abuses, is Nadine Maenza, Chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.