Slavery in America is alive and well


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Slavery in America is alive and well. It’s never been wiped out or hardly even gotten less severe, it’s simply changed it’s appearance from blatant overt evil to covert evil disguised as victimhood and compassion. It’s perpetrated by the same political party it was always conducted by, the Democrat Party. The original captors of slaves are the same people, The black African tribal warriors that captured the enemy tribal blacks of other tribes and sold them to the European slave traders are simply now the likes of Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton and others of that ilk that capture America’s blacks today for sale to the Democrat party. The black task masters that sold their souls to the evil devil white master and took charge of their black brothers & sisters and whipped and mistreated them for a right of passage and a better standard of life for themselves in exchange from the evil devil white master are simply today’s black politicians that govern every inner city ghetto, ( the new slave quarters). They keep their slave blacks with the government welfare system, a pittance of survival and a disincentive opposed to individual responsibility and an ambition to realize the American dream for themselves. They keep their blacks on the plantation with the propaganda of victimhood. They preach the evil; doctrine endlessly to their slaves as them being the economic victims of whitey and police brutality. They provide their slaves with abortions on demand to limit their numbers so as to keep control over them. They believe their slaves are stupid and lazy and easy to scam and control and the horror and shame of it all is it works like a charm for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.
Yes it is and it doesn't have a fucking political party attached to it. It's simply the rich vs the poor

Who passed the 13th amendment? It wasn't the Democrats. Who governs virtually every inner city ghetto slave quarters, it ain't the Republicans. Who are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton? They sure as hell ain't Republicans.
Slavery in America is alive and well. It’s never been wiped out or hardly even gotten less severe, it’s simply changed it’s appearance from blatant overt evil to covert evil disguised as victimhood and compassion. It’s perpetrated by the same political party it was always conducted by, the Democrat Party. The original captors of slaves are the same people, The black African tribal warriors that captured the enemy tribal blacks of other tribes and sold them to the European slave traders are simply now the likes of Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton and others of that ilk that capture America’s blacks today for sale to the Democrat party. The black task masters that sold their souls to the evil devil white master and took charge of their black brothers & sisters and whipped and mistreated them for a right of passage and a better standard of life for themselves in exchange from the evil devil white master are simply today’s black politicians that govern every inner city ghetto, ( the new slave quarters). They keep their slave blacks with the government welfare system, a pittance of survival and a disincentive opposed to individual responsibility and an ambition to realize the American dream for themselves. They keep their blacks on the plantation with the propaganda of victimhood. They preach the evil; doctrine endlessly to their slaves as them being the economic victims of whitey and police brutality. They provide their slaves with abortions on demand to limit their numbers so as to keep control over them. They believe their slaves are stupid and lazy and easy to scam and control and the horror and shame of it all is it works like a charm for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs!!!
Who passed the 13th amendment? It wasn't the Democrats. Who governs virtually every inner city ghetto slave quarters, it ain't the Republicans. Who are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton? They sure as hell ain't Republicans.

First off, moron, the 13 amendment was signed 130 fucking years ago and 2nd, BOTH Dems AND Repubs in both the house AND the Senate have to have 2/3rds majority to sign one, plus be ratified by a given number of states, 27 in the case of the 13th Amendment, you fucking clueless dolt. People like you need to be locked up. You're stupidity may make you may be a danger to yourself AND your community.

Stop clinging to the naming of the parties and realize that in the late 1800s - FDR somewhere the parties flipped stances. The Democratic party now is much more in line with the ideologies of the Republicans you praise from back then

"During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power."
First off, moron, the 13 amendment was signed 130 fucking years ago and 2nd, BOTH Dems AND Repubs in both the house AND the Senate have to have 2/3rds majority to sign one, plus be ratified by a given number of states, 27 in the case of the 13th Amendment, you fucking clueless dolt. People like you need to be locked up. You're stupidity may make you may be a danger to yourself AND your community.

What Democrats? They were all south of the border lynching blacks. The Congress was 3/4 Republicans and a few northern democrats who actually supported abolition. The vast, vast majority of Democrats were and still are pro-slavery. The DNC is a racist scam to keep blacks on the plantation inner city ghettos governed by their black Democrat task masters and preached to by the evil likes of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton about the black victimhood perpetrated by whity.

Stop clinging to the naming of the parties and realize that in the late 1800s - FDR somewhere the parties flipped stances. The Democratic party now is much more in line with the ideologies of the Republicans you praise from back then.

That’s your story, but actually the Democrats in the south convinced some of their racist politicians to join up with the Republicans to make it look like a party flip. In Reality the parties never flipped, Democrats simply infiltrated the Republican Party to cover their new plan for continuing slavery and keeping blacks on the plantation and giving them abortions on demand to limit their numbers.

After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power."

Thank you!!!!!!!
What Democrats? They were all south of the border lynching blacks. The Congress was 3/4 Republicans and a few northern democrats who actually supported abolition. The vast, vast majority of Democrats were and still are pro-slavery. The DNC is a racist scam to keep blacks on the plantation inner city ghettos governed by their black Democrat task masters and preached to by the evil likes of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton about the black victimhood perpetrated by whity.

And yet, it's the Republicans that cut incentives, that cut tax write offs, that cut programs that give them opportunities to get the fuck OUT of the hood, that bitch because broke mother fuckers need help buying food, paying their bills, expanding public transportation, and doing everything they can to make poor people feel like shit because they're poor while it's DEMOCRATS that try to push all those programs that you right wing fuck faces constantly whine and cry about
And yet, it's the Republicans that cut incentives, that cut tax write offs, that cut programs that give them opportunities to get the fuck OUT of the hood, that bitch because broke mother fuckers need help buying food, paying their bills, expanding public transportation, and doing everything they can to make poor people feel like shit because they're poor while it's DEMOCRATS that try to push all those programs that you right wing fuck faces constantly whine and cry about

Keep believing that bro, that's exactly what the Democrats have programmed you to believe. That's exactly how they keep you on their slave plantation and in your inner-city ghetto slave quarters, governed by your Democrat task masters. Don't bother getting a job. Don't bother educating yourself. Don't bother taking responsibility for yourself and your family. Just hang out, do drugs, sell drugs and murder your black brothers & sisters. Watch as your sisters are encouraged to get abortions to keep your numbers controllable by your task masters.
Slavery in America is alive and well. It’s never been wiped out or hardly even gotten less severe, it’s simply changed it’s appearance from blatant overt evil to covert evil disguised as victimhood and compassion. It’s perpetrated by the same political party it was always conducted by, the Democrat Party. The original captors of slaves are the same people, The black African tribal warriors that captured the enemy tribal blacks of other tribes and sold them to the European slave traders are simply now the likes of Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton and others of that ilk that capture America’s blacks today for sale to the Democrat party. The black task masters that sold their souls to the evil devil white master and took charge of their black brothers & sisters and whipped and mistreated them for a right of passage and a better standard of life for themselves in exchange from the evil devil white master are simply today’s black politicians that govern every inner city ghetto, ( the new slave quarters). They keep their slave blacks with the government welfare system, a pittance of survival and a disincentive opposed to individual responsibility and an ambition to realize the American dream for themselves. They keep their blacks on the plantation with the propaganda of victimhood. They preach the evil; doctrine endlessly to their slaves as them being the economic victims of whitey and police brutality. They provide their slaves with abortions on demand to limit their numbers so as to keep control over them. They believe their slaves are stupid and lazy and easy to scam and control and the horror and shame of it all is it works like a charm for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

Did anyone expect that defeated DEMOCRATS would relinquish control over the Black Americans they fought a rebellion to keep in servitude?
Class is a topic Americans ignore or pretend doesn't exist. A magical twisting of reality happened after FDR's New Deal, a promising policy for everyone that today is taken for granted and often criticized. The switch is interesting, covered by many journalists and historians, I will link a few books below. But one problem today especially after 'citizens united' is who is speaking and why. Are they paid tools of power or simply believers. Consider AG Barr, is he not simply a replacement of Cohen? Barr is tool of power and money which fights to keep power and money. I realize that most read little but should you like to understand today check these books out.

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg

And these for the fight reversing the New Deal.

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

"The trick never ages; the illusion never wears off. Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains taxes. Vote to make our country strong again; receive deindustrialization. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors; receive electricity deregulation. Vote to get government off our backs; receive conglomeration and monopoly everywhere from media to meatpacking. Vote to stand tall against terrorists; receive Social Security privatization. Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, in which workers have been stripped of power and CEOs are rewarded in a manner beyond imagining." Thomas Frank, What's the Matter With Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
Keep believing that bro, that's exactly what the Democrats have programmed you to believe. That's exactly how they keep you on their slave plantation and in your inner-city ghetto slave quarters, governed by your Democrat task masters. Don't bother getting a job. Don't bother educating yourself. Don't bother taking responsibility for yourself and your family. Just hang out, do drugs, sell drugs and murder your black brothers & sisters. Watch as your sisters are encouraged to get abortions to keep your numbers controllable by your task masters.

That may have just become the most asinine thing anybody has ever posted on here. I’m concerned, that you people are so fucking stupid, you could be a danger to yourselves.