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Slavery in America is alive and well. It’s never been wiped out or hardly even gotten less severe, it’s simply changed it’s appearance from blatant overt evil to covert evil disguised as victimhood and compassion. It’s perpetrated by the same political party it was always conducted by, the Democrat Party. The original captors of slaves are the same people, The black African tribal warriors that captured the enemy tribal blacks of other tribes and sold them to the European slave traders are simply now the likes of Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton and others of that ilk that capture America’s blacks today for sale to the Democrat party. The black task masters that sold their souls to the evil devil white master and took charge of their black brothers & sisters and whipped and mistreated them for a right of passage and a better standard of life for themselves in exchange from the evil devil white master are simply today’s black politicians that govern every inner city ghetto, ( the new slave quarters). They keep their slave blacks with the government welfare system, a pittance of survival and a disincentive opposed to individual responsibility and an ambition to realize the American dream for themselves. They keep their blacks on the plantation with the propaganda of victimhood. They preach the evil; doctrine endlessly to their slaves as them being the economic victims of whitey and police brutality. They provide their slaves with abortions on demand to limit their numbers so as to keep control over them. They believe their slaves are stupid and lazy and easy to scam and control and the horror and shame of it all is it works like a charm for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.