Sleeping Naked


A Real Human
Just curious on what people's thoughts were on this. For some good reading on the topic, please check out

Humans have been forced to clothe themselves, but seriously, in our own homes? I say we should celebrate the human body. Sleep naked tonight... :)
I would sleep naked, but unfortunately, the covers often fall off of me while I'm sleeping, and I feign to think what my brother (who still sleeps in the same room) would think to waking up to the site of me unclothed below him.
I can't wear clothing in bed and sleep, I haven't (aside from the odd occasion such as staying at a friend's place) worn clothing in bed since I was about 12.

It is definetly more comfortable...however what if say a fire or other emergency broke out in the middle of the night and ya had to exit outside real that would be embarrassing to say the least!:o
Oh my, it seems this conversation is starting to head downhill :(

Skid Marks are more fiction than fact. As long as you have good hygiene, they will not occur. If you have a problem sleeping nude you could always wear some loose fitting boxers to protect you against such a problem...
Just curious on what people's thoughts were on this. For some good reading on the topic, please check out

Humans have been forced to clothe themselves, but seriously, in our own homes? I say we should celebrate the human body. Sleep naked tonight... :)

I use to all the time. But with roomies and then kids around, I started wearing the pj bottoms. It's almost as good.