APP - Slick Willy says the peanut farmer was wrong

They'd eat a shit sandwhich and smile if their leader Rush told them it was Foie Gras.
Did I say Foie Gras? Excuse me. No self respecting right winger would eat that rarefied French stuff. Let me rephrase that.

"They'd eat a shit sandwhich and smile if their leader Rush told them it was chicken."
I love it. you idiots here have your own leadership saying the opposition to the healthcare bill was not racist, but you know you still believe it is. You agree with Carter. You think people believe a black man shouldn't be president. If you haven't said you disagree with Carter, you obviously agree with him. So You guys think you know how everyone else thinks.
And then you put thoughts into other people's heads(in your imagination... people don't really feel that way) so you can tell the world how awful those peoploe are (with your imaginary traits).


Carter is a fucking race-baiter. If you agree with him, you are racist.
I KNOW that may voted against Obama becuase of his skintone. And the same reason that many hate and fear him.