Slovenia - the home of Melania... AND anti-semitism

According to the article, there are 150 Jews in the country, and they have one spokesman. So one guy is afraid that they are losing their influence. Thread worthy?
Lets see... Germany murdered 6 million jews just because they were jews. I think that gives them the nod as most antisemetic. But to be fair all of europe is pretty much that way. Along with american lefties.
Trump is about as pro Israel and Jewish as any president I've seen.
Unlike the last guy that was pres.
Besides what do you care about Melania? She's no politician so doesn't set any policy.

you being a dumb rightwing goy have no understanding of trump's anti semitic dog whistles and the feeling of the Jewish community about trump
No, not when his own daughter is a Jew.

She's a blond haired blue eyed wasp. Her marriage of convenience to speed along the trump-kushner crime mob family merger is as meaningless as her phony "conversion."

I like watching pro basketball. That doesn't make me African American.