APP - Slowly but surely the Deep State is being unraveled


Former Vice President

All we have heard from our friends on the left have made excuses for Strzok and Page saying even though they had political leanings that didn’t mean they couldn’t be objective.

Now we have tweets of theirs talking about a “secret society” working within the DOJ and FBI.

Then we have months of text messages that magically go missing and their dates are oh so convenient. I wonder if they borrowed bleachbit from Hillary.

This toxic stew is astounding. But, we will get to the bottom of it.

I suspect the democrat party and JPP liberals will regret their “Russian collusion” lie
it's all completely disgusting. I don't know how anyone has faith in the lying FBI anymore. They straight up are capable of fabricating shit. We need to release the memo as well.
Remember when DEMOCRATS lost the Civil War? They didn't wait long to start a secret society then, either. It was called the KKK.

DEMOCRATS are sore losers who will use subterfuge to undermine the electoral process by any means available.

They assassinated the first Republican president. This FBI plot and the disloyal DEMOCRAT drones of the Deep State are more of the same.
How sad that that whole "secret society" nonsense turned out to be a JOKE between two friends.

Sadly, I don't expect something as silly as "THE TRUTH" to stop the GOP from passing off innuendo as fact.