Slug Is Acceptable


Verified User
Naming anything after a lying sack of shit will be a persisting insult far into the future. In Obama’s case I can put in with slug:

slug (noun)

3. A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.


Obama even has animal species named after him, like placida barackobamai, a sea slug.

More cities add Barack Obama's name to landmarks, highways
Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY
Published 5:06 a.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019 | Updated 3:09 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019

See this tread for a bit more about changing a name:

Remember when Vomit wanted to reward a REPUBLICAN?

Schumer to introduce resolution to rename Senate building after John McCain
by Melissa Quinn
August 25, 2018 09:35 PM

John McCain should have been honored, but not by putting his name on a building. I say that because I have a deep-seated aversion to naming anything after a person living or dead.

Removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from a High School was the best news I heard in years. The federal government can remove Wilson’s name from structures the federal government owns. They will not do it because Wilson is a hero to the New World Oder crowd. State and local governments is another matter:

A history teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in Portland, Ore. is lobbying for the school to change its name, reports local CBS affiliate KOIN-TV.

The teacher, Hyung Nam, has been calling for a new name for Wilson High for several months.

“We’d have to be ignorant about history to continue to affiliate ourselves with this man,” the history teacher wrote in an April 22 email to all staffers.

Movement To Rename Schools Honoring Confederate Leaders Widens To Reach Progressive Woodrow Wilson
Eric Owens
9:43 PM 07/04/2015

Frankly, I never understood why anything at the state and local levels is named after federal government crooks, traitors, perverts, and global busybodies. Woodrow Wilson was the worst president ever. To call Wilson the worst says volumes in light of Jimmy Peanuts, the Degenerate, and the Lying Sack of Shit.

The fact is that the good guys who have anything named after them are few in number when compared to douche bags whose names are all over the place.

NOTE: It is only a matter of time before the Democrat Party’s Antifa beat up children caught carrying a Teddy Bear:

The Constitution is not propaganda by any definition. Tearing down the statues of our Founding Fathers who were slave holders is pure propaganda. Long before Lefties began tearing down history, I was partial to name changes because of the propaganda value the Left places on naming things after their icons:

The proper response of conservatives to the moronic and vicious attack by leftists toward any monument that could conceivably offend the highly developed leftist sense of aggrieved feelings is to join the campaign by identifying monuments to corrupt leftists who have been eulogized in politically corrupt history.

There is no problem finding such corrupt leftists. Consider JFK and all the wicked machinations involving his sordid career. He used organized crime to win the West Virginia primary in 1960, which paved the way for his winning the nomination. JFK stole the 1960 election through massive voter fraud. JFK had affairs not only with movie stars like Marilyn Monroe, but also with underage interns whom he tried to entice into using drugs.

August 31, 2017
Remove Monuments to Corrupt Leftists
By Bruce Walker

NOTE: Taxpayers pay to keep the Eternal Flame burning. Think about it!

John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery

The late King of Pork stopped short of renaming West Virginia after himself:

This is Everything in West Virginia Named After Robert C. Byrd
Friday, November 6, 2015
By We Heart WV Staff

I would rename every public structure after flowers, birds, trees, fish, mammals, planets, and everything else I can find rather than politicians. I would include scientists except that would open the door for environmental pseudo-scientists and medical industry butchers. If Democrats had their way they would name federally-funded abortion clinics after Kermit Gosnell. Had Nazi Germany won the war, I am sure Joseph Mengeles would have an autobahn named after him.

I would let the Founding Fathers rest in peace; nevertheless, my suggestion for renaming things sacrifices a few good men and women, but the benefit of dumping an army of the douche bags is worth the forfeiture.

Replacing the folks on our currency with political activists is beyond the pale. Common sense prevailed on this one as far as I know:


President Barack Obama's Treasury secretary, Jacob Lew, proposed last year to move the seventh president of the United States and the hero of the Battle of New Orleans to the back of the $20 bill. Replacing Jackson on the front would be Tubman, an abolitionist who helped many enslaved people escape. She would be the only woman and only African American on commonly used U.S. paper currency.

Andrew Jackson might remain on $20 bill front after all
Updated Aug 31, 2017; Posted Aug 31, 2017

The Chicago sewer rat enhanced his legacy with a ‘renaming’ executive order:

Over the weekend, President Obama announced his plans to rename Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in the United States, to Mount Denali. It was classic Obama, governing by executive order, with little actual meaning or effect on society, irritating America’s heartland as a happy side effect.

Here Are Some Other Monuments Obama Could Rename
by Milo Yiannopoulos
1 Sep 2015

The aurora borealis.

The Grand Canyon.

The Crazy Horse Memorial.

The Animas River.

Alcatraz Island.

Mount Rushmore.

La Brea Tar Pits.

Niagara Falls.

On the surface of the name change it appeared that Nanook of the North convinced the lying sack of shit to dump McKinley. Frankly, I think the sewer rat is doing it to get even with McKinley for sending American troops to protect Christians in the Boxer Rebellion.

This one really stuck in my craw:


When questioning witnesses, then-Senator Levin used to peer over his Ben Franklin spectacles in order to give the impression he was a gentle grandfather figure without a Left-leaning bone in his body. It is ludicrous to put another douche bag’s name on a navy ship. It is an insult to every American who values this country’s sovereignty. Senator Levin’s votes on nuclear treaties alone were a disgrace. Naming a warship the USS Carl M. Levin implies that the men who serve on her are fighting for Levin’s political beliefs.

Finally, this one is even more politically motivated than the USS Carl M. Levin:


USS Gabrielle Giffords

June 5, 2017
Should a liberal gun control activist have a Navy warship named after her?
By Ed Straker
Last edited:
should she have been shot in the head by a right wing nut bag who was only a republican because he went insane?

what should we name after the little girl who was killed that day

Six people were killed in the attack;[96] all but Christina-Taylor Green died at the scene of the shooting:[97]
Christina-Taylor Green, 9, of Tucson.[98] Green was accompanied to the meeting by neighbor Susan Hileman.[44][99] As her date of birth was September 11, 2001, she had appeared in the book Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11 (page 41).[100][101][102] She was the granddaughter of former Major League Baseball player and manager Dallas Green and the second cousin of actress Sophia Bush.[101][103]
Dorothy "Dot" Morris, 76, a retired secretary from Oro Valley; wife of George, who was wounded.[96][104]
John Roll, 63, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for Arizona, named to the federal bench by President George H. W. Bush in 1991.[44][105]
Phyllis Schneck, 79, homemaker from Tucson.[96][106]
Dorwan Stoddard, 76, retired construction worker, died from a gunshot wound to the head; his wife Mavy was wounded.[96][107]
Gabriel "Gabe" Zimmerman, 30, community outreach director for Giffords,[8][44] and a member of Giffords' staff since 2006. Zimmerman was the first Congressional staffer killed in the line of duty.[108]
In addition to the six dead, thirteen other people were wounded by gunshot in the attack, while a fourteenth person was injured subduing Loughner. Gabrielle Giffords and two other members of her staff were among the surviving gunshot victims.[12] Staffer Ron Barber, shot in the thigh and face, would later succeed Giffords in her House seat.[109]
Naming anything after a lying sack of shit will be a persisting insult far into the future. In Obama’s case I can put in with slug:

slug (noun)

3. A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.


Obama even has animal species named after him, like placida barackobamai, a sea slug.

More cities add Barack Obama's name to landmarks, highways
Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY
Published 5:06 a.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019 | Updated 3:09 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019

See this tread for a bit more about changing a name:

Remember when Vomit wanted to reward a REPUBLICAN?

Schumer to introduce resolution to rename Senate building after John McCain
by Melissa Quinn
August 25, 2018 09:35 PM

John McCain should have been honored, but not by putting his name a building. I say that because I have a deep-seated aversion to naming anything after a person living or dead.

Removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from a High School was the best news I heard in years. The federal government can remove Wilson’s name from structures the federal government owns. They will not do it because Wilson is a hero to the New World Oder crowd. State and local governments is another matter:

A history teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in Portland, Ore. is lobbying for the school to change its name, reports local CBS affiliate KOIN-TV.

The teacher, Hyung Nam, has been calling for a new name for Wilson High for several months.

“We’d have to be ignorant about history to continue to affiliate ourselves with this man,” the history teacher wrote in an April 22 email to all staffers.

Movement To Rename Schools Honoring Confederate Leaders Widens To Reach Progressive Woodrow Wilson
Eric Owens
9:43 PM 07/04/2015

Frankly, I never understood why anything at the state and local levels is named after federal government crooks, traitors, perverts, and global busybodies. Woodrow Wilson was the worst president ever. To call Wilson the worst says volumes in light of Jimmy Peanuts, the Degenerate, and the Lying Sack of Shit.

The fact is that the good guys who have anything named after them are few in number when compared to douche bags whose names are all over the place.

NOTE: It is only a matter of time before the Democrat Party’s Antifa beat up children caught carrying a Teddy Bear:

The Constitution is not propaganda by any definition. Tearing down the statues of our Founding Fathers who were slave holders is pure propaganda. Long before Lefties began tearing down history, I was partial to name changes because of the propaganda value the Left places on naming things after their icons:

The proper response of conservatives to the moronic and vicious attack by leftists toward any monument that could conceivably offend the highly developed leftist sense of aggrieved feelings is to join the campaign by identifying monuments to corrupt leftists who have been eulogized in politically corrupt history.

There is no problem finding such corrupt leftists. Consider JFK and all the wicked machinations involving his sordid career. He used organized crime to win the West Virginia primary in 1960, which paved the way for his winning the nomination. JFK stole the 1960 election through massive voter fraud. JFK had affairs not only with movie stars like Marilyn Monroe, but also with underage interns whom he tried to entice into using drugs.

August 31, 2017
Remove Monuments to Corrupt Leftists
By Bruce Walker

NOTE: Taxpayers pay to keep the Eternal Flame burning. Think about it!

John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery

The late King of Pork stopped short of renaming West Virginia after himself:

This is Everything in West Virginia Named After Robert C. Byrd
Friday, November 6, 2015
By We Heart WV Staff

I would rename every public structure after flowers, birds, trees, fish, mammals, planets, and everything else I can find rather than politicians. I would include scientists except that would open the door for environmental pseudo-scientists and medical industry butchers. If Democrats had their way they would name federally-funded abortion clinics after Kermit Gosnell. Had Nazi Germany won the war, I am sure Joseph Mengeles would have an autobahn named after him.

I would let the Founding Fathers rest in peace; nevertheless, my suggestion for renaming things sacrifices a few good men and women, but the benefit of dumping an army of the douche bags is worth the forfeiture.

Replacing the folks on our currency with political activists is beyond the pale. Common sense prevailed on this one as far as I know:


President Barack Obama's Treasury secretary, Jacob Lew, proposed last year to move the seventh president of the United States and the hero of the Battle of New Orleans to the back of the $20 bill. Replacing Jackson on the front would be Tubman, an abolitionist who helped many enslaved people escape. She would be the only woman and only African American on commonly used U.S. paper currency.

Andrew Jackson might remain on $20 bill front after all
Updated Aug 31, 2017; Posted Aug 31, 2017

The Chicago sewer rat enhanced his legacy with a ‘renaming’ executive order:

Over the weekend, President Obama announced his plans to rename Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in the United States, to Mount Denali. It was classic Obama, governing by executive order, with little actual meaning or effect on society, irritating America’s heartland as a happy side effect.

Here Are Some Other Monuments Obama Could Rename
by Milo Yiannopoulos
1 Sep 2015

The aurora borealis.

The Grand Canyon.

The Crazy Horse Memorial.

The Animas River.

Alcatraz Island.

Mount Rushmore.

La Brea Tar Pits.

Niagara Falls.

On the surface of the name change it appeared that Nanook of the North convinced the lying sack of shit to dump McKinley. Frankly, I think the sewer rat is doing it to get even with McKinley for sending American troops to protect Christians in the Boxer Rebellion.

This one really stuck in my craw:


When questioning witnesses, then-Senator Levin used to peer over his Ben Franklin spectacles in order to give the impression he was a gentle grandfather figure without a Left-leaning bone in his body. It is ludicrous to put another douche bag’s name on a navy ship. It is an insult to every American who values this country’s sovereignty. Senator Levin’s votes on nuclear treaties alone were a disgrace. Naming a warship the USS Carl M. Levin implies that the men who serve on her are fighting for Levin’s political beliefs.

Finally, this one is even more politically motivated than the USS Carl M. Levin:


USS Gabrielle Giffords

June 5, 2017
Should a liberal gun control activist have a Navy warship named after her?
By Ed Straker

Bloviating blather.
what should we name after the little girl who was killed that day

To evince: Nothing.

If everything is named after a tragedy start naming things after conservatives who defend the Constitution in order to prevent worse tragedies. That nut job would have been stopped sooner had more people in the crowd been armed that day.

And if you are so heartbroken your government media should stop television from reporting every shooting. Politically motivated shooters do it for the publicity. Deny them the coverage they seek and that alone would cut tragedies by at least 75 percent.

You are pathetic. You played the Children Card; so how come you do not want to name things after the adults who were killed?

Incidentally, I never heard a Democrat politician call for naming anything for the victims of illegal aliens who kill Americans (usually women and children). In fact, Democrats give illegal alien killers sanctuary.
Naming anything after a lying sack of shit will be a persisting insult far into the future.

Does this mean our lying sack was telling the truth?

January 30, 2019
Iran admits it lied to Obama's Iran Deal interlocutors
By Hassan Mahmoudi

Or does it mean that our lying sacks of shit, Obama and John Kerry, accepted the deal knowing that Iran’s lying sacks of shit were also lying?
Naming anything after a lying sack of shit will be a persisting insult far into the future. In Obama’s case I can put in with slug:

slug (noun)

3. A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.


Obama even has animal species named after him, like placida barackobamai, a sea slug.

More cities add Barack Obama's name to landmarks, highways
Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY
Published 5:06 a.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019 | Updated 3:09 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019

See this tread for a bit more about changing a name:

Remember when Vomit wanted to reward a REPUBLICAN?

Schumer to introduce resolution to rename Senate building after John McCain
by Melissa Quinn
August 25, 2018 09:35 PM

John McCain should have been honored, but not by putting his name on a building. I say that because I have a deep-seated aversion to naming anything after a person living or dead.

Removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from a High School was the best news I heard in years. The federal government can remove Wilson’s name from structures the federal government owns. They will not do it because Wilson is a hero to the New World Oder crowd. State and local governments is another matter:

A history teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in Portland, Ore. is lobbying for the school to change its name, reports local CBS affiliate KOIN-TV.

The teacher, Hyung Nam, has been calling for a new name for Wilson High for several months.

“We’d have to be ignorant about history to continue to affiliate ourselves with this man,” the history teacher wrote in an April 22 email to all staffers.

Movement To Rename Schools Honoring Confederate Leaders Widens To Reach Progressive Woodrow Wilson
Eric Owens
9:43 PM 07/04/2015

Frankly, I never understood why anything at the state and local levels is named after federal government crooks, traitors, perverts, and global busybodies. Woodrow Wilson was the worst president ever. To call Wilson the worst says volumes in light of Jimmy Peanuts, the Degenerate, and the Lying Sack of Shit.

The fact is that the good guys who have anything named after them are few in number when compared to douche bags whose names are all over the place.

NOTE: It is only a matter of time before the Democrat Party’s Antifa beat up children caught carrying a Teddy Bear:

The Constitution is not propaganda by any definition. Tearing down the statues of our Founding Fathers who were slave holders is pure propaganda. Long before Lefties began tearing down history, I was partial to name changes because of the propaganda value the Left places on naming things after their icons:

The proper response of conservatives to the moronic and vicious attack by leftists toward any monument that could conceivably offend the highly developed leftist sense of aggrieved feelings is to join the campaign by identifying monuments to corrupt leftists who have been eulogized in politically corrupt history.

There is no problem finding such corrupt leftists. Consider JFK and all the wicked machinations involving his sordid career. He used organized crime to win the West Virginia primary in 1960, which paved the way for his winning the nomination. JFK stole the 1960 election through massive voter fraud. JFK had affairs not only with movie stars like Marilyn Monroe, but also with underage interns whom he tried to entice into using drugs.

August 31, 2017
Remove Monuments to Corrupt Leftists
By Bruce Walker

NOTE: Taxpayers pay to keep the Eternal Flame burning. Think about it!

John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery

The late King of Pork stopped short of renaming West Virginia after himself:

This is Everything in West Virginia Named After Robert C. Byrd
Friday, November 6, 2015
By We Heart WV Staff

I would rename every public structure after flowers, birds, trees, fish, mammals, planets, and everything else I can find rather than politicians. I would include scientists except that would open the door for environmental pseudo-scientists and medical industry butchers. If Democrats had their way they would name federally-funded abortion clinics after Kermit Gosnell. Had Nazi Germany won the war, I am sure Joseph Mengeles would have an autobahn named after him.

I would let the Founding Fathers rest in peace; nevertheless, my suggestion for renaming things sacrifices a few good men and women, but the benefit of dumping an army of the douche bags is worth the forfeiture.

Replacing the folks on our currency with political activists is beyond the pale. Common sense prevailed on this one as far as I know:


President Barack Obama's Treasury secretary, Jacob Lew, proposed last year to move the seventh president of the United States and the hero of the Battle of New Orleans to the back of the $20 bill. Replacing Jackson on the front would be Tubman, an abolitionist who helped many enslaved people escape. She would be the only woman and only African American on commonly used U.S. paper currency.

Andrew Jackson might remain on $20 bill front after all
Updated Aug 31, 2017; Posted Aug 31, 2017

The Chicago sewer rat enhanced his legacy with a ‘renaming’ executive order:

Over the weekend, President Obama announced his plans to rename Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in the United States, to Mount Denali. It was classic Obama, governing by executive order, with little actual meaning or effect on society, irritating America’s heartland as a happy side effect.

Here Are Some Other Monuments Obama Could Rename
by Milo Yiannopoulos
1 Sep 2015

The aurora borealis.

The Grand Canyon.

The Crazy Horse Memorial.

The Animas River.

Alcatraz Island.

Mount Rushmore.

La Brea Tar Pits.

Niagara Falls.

On the surface of the name change it appeared that Nanook of the North convinced the lying sack of shit to dump McKinley. Frankly, I think the sewer rat is doing it to get even with McKinley for sending American troops to protect Christians in the Boxer Rebellion.

This one really stuck in my craw:


When questioning witnesses, then-Senator Levin used to peer over his Ben Franklin spectacles in order to give the impression he was a gentle grandfather figure without a Left-leaning bone in his body. It is ludicrous to put another douche bag’s name on a navy ship. It is an insult to every American who values this country’s sovereignty. Senator Levin’s votes on nuclear treaties alone were a disgrace. Naming a warship the USS Carl M. Levin implies that the men who serve on her are fighting for Levin’s political beliefs.

Finally, this one is even more politically motivated than the USS Carl M. Levin:


USS Gabrielle Giffords

June 5, 2017
Should a liberal gun control activist have a Navy warship named after her?
By Ed Straker

Do you want a hanky, Flanders?
April 28, 2019
By its own standards, the New York Times deserves blame for the Poway synagogue shooting
By Thomas Lifson

Television, not the NY Times, deserves the most blame:

stop television from reporting every shooting. Politically motivated shooters do it for the publicity. Deny them the coverage they seek and that alone would cut tragedies by at least 75 percent.

Take this to the bank. There is not a dry eye among television’s editors because only one 60-year-old woman was killed. One killing is only worth a day or two coverage. Being a politician or a celebrity gets unlimited coverage for weeks and often months. Filling up air time with big advertising money is in a mass shooting.
Television, not the NY Times, deserves the most blame:

File this one in the NO SHIT drawer:

Most of the frontrunners for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2020 reacted to the synagogue shooting in Poway, California, on Saturday by denouncing “gun violence.”

Democrats React to Poway Synagogue Shooting by Denouncing ‘Gun Violence’
28 Apr 2019

QUESTION: Why is it that not one television mouth ever asked a Democrat gun-grabber why the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment?
Naming a warship the USS Carl M. Levin implies that the men who serve on her are fighting for Levin’s political beliefs.

Add another liberal douche bag to the list:


A photo of the new USNS Harvey Milk is displayed during a ship naming ceremony on 16 August 2016 (Getty Images)

Harvey Milk: US Navy ship to be named after lieutenant forced to resign for being gay
Marisa Iati
18 hours ago

NOTE: If companies named passenger ships after homosexuals they would not sell a ticket.

p.s. I just thought about the colors President Pete Buttigieg would paint Navy ships!


And I shutter imagining flying this flag into battle

Thinking about the deeds boggles the mind:

It does not look likely to stir a man's Soul,
'Tis the deeds that were done 'neath the moth-eaten rag,
When the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

By Sir Edward Bruce Hamley

Now that Joe Biden is in the White House, Democrats are once again on the march, this time to put abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. They don’t actually know very much about Harriet Tubman, but she was Black, and Democrats desperately want to put somebody Black on our money. So here she comes.

I say they don’t know very much about Ms. Tubman because Democrats announced this on the same day that Democrats sent a procession of House Managers over to the Senate to deliver an Article of Impeachment against former President Trump. They are charging him with “inciting insurrection.”

If Democrats want to impeach someone for inciting insurrection, they could start with Harriet Tubman. She was one of the major planners of the attempt to take over and occupy the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry in 1859. Seventeen people were killed in that action. The leader, John Brown, was charged with treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia, murder, and inciting insurrection. He and six others were convicted and executed for their roles in the attack. Had she not fallen ill shortly before the attack, Harriet Tubman might well have been among those captured and executed.

Michigan State University maintains an extensive online history of the Civil War era, and has an entire section devoted to Harret Tubman. The chapter entitled “John Brown’s War” tells us:

John Brown was a famous abolitionist who was identified as being a violent abolitionist. Tubman had been an admirer of John Brown for a while. Tubman had met John Brown through fellow abolitionist Frederick Douglass. In 1858 John Brown had began to finish up his plans for the raid. When Tubman finally met with Brown he would keep referring to her as “General Tubman.” After Tubman heard his plan she was on board, and was set to go and recruit men for the raid. That summer she continued to raise funds for Canada while helping John Brown. She even stayed with Douglass at the time. Tubman had suggested July 4th for the raid on Harpers Ferry. Brown and Douglass had different ideas on how the Raid was supposed to go, Douglass said that Brown’s idea was suicidal. Brown wanted to do a full scale attack instead of doing small guerilla attacks. After Brown said he would not be deterred Douglass decided to back out. Brown went ahead and attacked Harpers Ferry. The attack was ill fated as [Brown] successfully got some slaves and was able to arm them. However they were eventually defeated and John Brown was sentenced to death. In the wake of the defeat Tubman had to keep a low profile because anyone who was involved in the planning of the raid was in jeopardy.

According to West Virginia Archives and History,

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were asked to join the raiders, and Harriet Tubman agreed to participate but was ill at the time of the raid.

One hundred-sixty years ago, Harriet Tubman narrowly escaped being hung for treason. But I guess if you wait long enough, you’ll be right on the money.

Impeach Harriet Tubman
By Robert A. Hahn
Jan 26, 2021 4:00 AM ET
Impeach Harriet Tubman
By Robert A. Hahn | Jan 26, 2021 4:00 AM ET

p.s. Tubman was a woman; so I guess it is okay to say “hung” instead of hanged.

It's worth noting that Tubman and the other abolitionists were virulently anti-DEMOCRAT.

I will enjoy the irony of ignorant DEMOCRATS congratulating each other for "honoring" a woman their party wanted to enslave and kill.

Maybe they can pretend that this is some sort of atonement for the racist heritage of their putrid party.