Slumdog Millionaire


I'm glad it won. It deserved it. It was definitely one of the best movies I've ever watched.

And to think, I tried to pressure them into watching Gran Torino instead!
The Dark Knight was the best movie of 2008. I never even watched Batman Begins all the way through until I saw it. In fact, I set a personal record and watched it 6 times, smashing my record of 3 times seeing Phantom Menace.

But, whatever...
I can think of a dozen films better than the Dark Knight that were made in 2008, the best of them being Slumdog Millionaire.

Strangely enough, I cannot. The Dark Knight is a great film, and one reason why is that it transcends the superhero genre and emerges as a morality play. Even Iron Man, the next best superhero of the year, and touted as one of the greatest superhero flicks of all-time, is not the sort of movie you would ever expect to see contending for best picture.

Dark Knight had story, acting (a truly outstanding cast, including Ledger, Eckhart, Oldman, Freeman, Caine and Richie Coster), the usual effects, director... It was all there, and it was deep as well as fun. I mean, its always fun to see humanity at its darkest and weakest state.
Strangely enough, I cannot. The Dark Knight is a great film, and one reason why is that it transcends the superhero genre and emerges as a morality play. Even Iron Man, the next best superhero of the year, and touted as one of the greatest superhero flicks of all-time, is not the sort of movie you would ever expect to see contending for best picture.

Dark Knight had story, acting (a truly outstanding cast, including Ledger, Eckhart, Oldman, Freeman, Caine and Richie Coster), the usual effects, director... It was all there, and it was deep as well as fun. I mean, its always fun to see humanity at its darkest and weakest state.

I don't really consider morality plays deep. The Dark Knight was the best superhero film of all time, to be sure, but to be fair it doesn't have a lot of competition there. :)
Strangely enough, I cannot. The Dark Knight is a great film, and one reason why is that it transcends the superhero genre and emerges as a morality play. .

yes it must have had just the right amount of explosions and car chases for you.
ding ding ding we have a winner.

dark knight is super overrated.

I didn't have any expectations for it when I first went to see it. I had heard "best superhero film everz," but that wasn't exactly a boost to my expectations, and I hadn't been a fan of the first movie, which I didn't see on the screen, and watched one night in my dorm room when I was exhausted and fell asleep during watching it.

The Dark Knight was the best superhero film of all time, to be sure, but to be fair it doesn't have a lot of competition there. :)

That's true - no disagreement there. And on another note, I would say the Null did the genre a huge service by proving it can be reputable. Just like Shakespeare did for the English by going against the critics of his time who said that English could not be deep, like Italian, in sonnet form.

yes it must have had just the right amount of explosions and car chases for you.

If that was the case, I would be supporting mindless action films like Wanted for Best Picture.
The Bank Job wasn't very good. I'm also surprised that Gran Torino, which I thought was excellent, has received as much praise as it did.
I'd like to inform the audience that Damo's "best book of all time" is Dune. No need to say more.
Dune is "one of my favorites" and my favorite sci-fi book is "Stranger in a Strange Land" or "Moon is a Harsh Mistress". Shogun is my "best book of all time" in the fiction category. But, as I said before, these things change with how I feel at the moment. I have well over 3,000 fiction books downstairs. Many of which can be said to be excellent.
Wall-E was decent. I don't think it was worthy of a nomination. The story was lacking and some of the premises were ridiculous. I liked that a lot of the story was told without words, though.