

Classical Liberal
… or female sexual promiscuity.

What do you consider to be a slut?
Is it OK to be one?
How old were you the first time?
How many guys did you fuck?
What makes a slut tick as opposed to a “nice girl”?
… or female sexual promiscuity.

What do you consider to be a slut?
Is it OK to be one?
How old were you the first time?
How many guys did you fuck?
What makes a slut tick as opposed to a “nice girl”?

Only angry incels would call them sluts, no matter what.

Incels are angry and they won't admit it except for a few cases.

:dunno: idk. All I know is that if a girl wears pants with writing across the ass, she's probably a slut.

Now you have to play the game to bag her, it's not all cut and dried.

Ain't no way you're gonna get out of playing her game if you wanna get into her pantsuses.

First you have to figure out (or semi) what her game is.

Then you have to either play her game, or appear to be playing it.

Some of their games aren't so bad! :dunno:
:dunno: idk. All I know is that if a girl wears pants with writing across the ass, she's probably a slut.

Now you have to play the game to bag her, it's not all cut and dried.

Ain't no way you're gonna get out of playing her game if you wanna get into her pantsuses.

First you have to figure out (or semi) what her game is.

Then you have to either play her game, or appear to be playing it.

Some of their games aren't so bad! :dunno:

Which one would you choose? A slut or a sexy woman?
Look, this is how it works in two sentences:

Men use things to gets sex.
Women use sex to get things.

It's that frigging simple.
:dunno: idk. All I know is that if a girl wears pants with writing across the ass, she's probably a slut.

Now you have to play the game to bag her, it's not all cut and dried.

Ain't no way you're gonna get out of playing her game if you wanna get into her pantsuses.

First you have to figure out (or semi) what her game is.

Then you have to either play her game, or appear to be playing it.

Some of their games aren't so bad! :dunno:

you'd best stick to goats, boy. women hate sexist pigs like you. good god. do you really believe this silly ass shit?
What's the difference in a slut and a bitch? A slut is a bitch that will fuck anyone. A bitch is a slut that won't fuck you.
… or female sexual promiscuity.

What do you consider to be a slut?
Is it OK to be one?
How old were you the first time?
How many guys did you fuck?
What makes a slut tick as opposed to a “nice girl”?

Libido is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. In psychoanalytic theory libido is psychic drive or energy, particularly associated with sexual instinct, but also present in other instinctive desires and drives. Libido is influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.Wikipedia"

You need to find someone with the same level of libido as you have.
If the woman has more, she may go out and 'quench her thirst'.
If the man has more, he may go out and do the same.

I'll admit, I like 'Sluts'. Even if I know they are just 'using me'. Even if it's just temporary. :)