APP - small study finds fault with mj usage

Of course it changes your psyche, anyone thats ever been around stoners knows their sizzled, the biggest lies about weed come from the stoners that want it legalized.
Just like the law allowing 18 yr olds to drink, justified because EUROPES always done it failed and got repealed, so will a stoners everywhere be repealed
Of course it changes your psyche, anyone thats ever been around stoners knows their sizzled, the biggest lies about weed come from the stoners that want it legalized.
Just like the law allowing 18 yr olds to drink, justified because EUROPES always done it failed and got repealed, so will a stoners everywhere be repealed

You are grossly misinformed, you would be shocked by the people who use marijuana that you aren't even aware that they are users.
You are grossly misinformed, you would be shocked by the people who use marijuana that you aren't even aware that they are users.

Of course not all pot users are Jeff Spicoli's but the point is that they are not what they might otherwise have been.
You are grossly misinformed, you would be shocked by the people who use marijuana that you aren't even aware that they are users.

No sir its you who is misinformed, everyone has a story and everyone bases everything on their small little tiny piece of the world and their small circle of people they know. Everyone knows someone that does this or that, heres my story. My father smoked cigs from 12 till he took his dieing breath and it wasnt from cigarettes at almost 87. He smoked two packs a day at the end and for many years smoked 3 and 4 packs a day. Had not even a hint of any lung disease nor cancer. DOES THAT MEAN CIGARETTES ARE SAFE. Noooo

Anyone thats around stoners day in and day out like cops knows the truth. They know how it impairs your psyche, your driving and your decisions and every aspect of your life.
I will say this over and over and over. Weed has one sole purpose to get you stoned. It should never be legalized for the mass'.
Weed will be legalized and when it is and its taxed up the ass, federally and locally and a fatty costs the average stoner 5 bucks. Street drugs will flourish. Heroin is already on the rise.
No sir its you who is misinformed, everyone has a story and everyone bases everything on their small little tiny piece of the world and their small circle of people they know. Everyone knows someone that does this or that, heres my story. My father smoked cigs from 12 till he took his dieing breath and it wasnt from cigarettes at almost 87. He smoked two packs a day at the end and for many years smoked 3 and 4 packs a day. Had not even a hint of any lung disease nor cancer. DOES THAT MEAN CIGARETTES ARE SAFE. Noooo

Anyone thats around stoners day in and day out like cops knows the truth. They know how it impairs your psyche, your driving and your decisions and every aspect of your life.
I will say this over and over and over. Weed has one sole purpose to get you stoned. It should never be legalized for the mass'.
Weed will be legalized and when it is and its taxed up the ass, federally and locally and a fatty costs the average stoner 5 bucks. Street drugs will flourish. Heroin is already on the rise.

You sir are grossly misinformed, George Washington, Queen Victoria, Carl Sagan, the list of famous and quite capable marijuana smokers shows that the drug is not what you determine it is. The cops know the truth and that is why many support the legalization of marijuana.

The medicinal uses for the substance is only beginning to be realized. You are wrong and grossly misinformed, but it is due to your age and the brainwashing you received growing up.
Who used weed is not relevant to whether or not its good or bad for society to legalize it.

It is relevant to the incorrect statement that you make about it. It shows that people can use marijuana and still function and it does not restrict their abilities or their intelligence. It shows that it is not bad for society when people use marijuana recreationally or medically.
I think people can use it moderately and function but the same sorts of things you are not to do when drinking ought to be the same for pot. I have no issue legalizing it if treated as booze and it ought not alter any workplace rules. Those are primarily for safety and im a safety first kind of guy. However the study quoted intends only to demonstrate that you will be changed, doesnt concern itself with degree. Perhaps its worth pondering whether you want to expose yourself to that kr not. And as pointed out l, if booze is the same then ditto for it. Its better to know this so you can make informed decisions. This is not some outlier study, many have demonstrated this.